Can I Borrow A Kiss? I Promise I'll Give It Back

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Chapter 15: Can I Borrow A Kiss? I Promise I'll Give It Back
Song: It's Over When It's Over - Falling In Reverse

I lean against the wall beside Obi as Auntie Marla works on Daliah. We'd cleared off her kitchen table and covered it in towel so when Obi brought her in, she could work on her. Daliah is alive but when they got here she was unconscious. Auntie Marla told us the cut is pretty bad but it could have been worse. He just barely missed her artery. Obi is fidgeting heavily and I want to help calm him but I'm not sure what to do.

"She's going to be okay, man. You got to her in time and we got her here as quick as we could. Auntie Marla is fixing her up right now."

"It's my fault. Everything that happened to her since she was a toddler was my fault..." He sighs. "I took her from our parents, I stole from Liro, I hid her from Liro with an abusive bitch, turned her into an assassin, got her captured by the castle, got her taken by Liro and had her throat slit."

"The thing about life is it's unpredictable. There are hundreds of outcomes for the slightest of things. You did right by Daliah by doing what you could to protect her. If things didn't go according to plan, it wasn't your fault. Regardless of what happened, she's alive and she's in your life again. She wants to try and get close to you again, so maybe now that Liro's dead and we can get the file, you two can start over."

"Wait, she wants to try to get close to me again?" He asks as he turns toward me in shock.

"We talked about it the other night after you'd fallen asleep. She wants to forgive you for leaving but she's still working through it."

"I thought she hated me still..."

"She's just scared. When Auntie Marla is done working on her and Daliah wakes up, we'll give you both some time together, okay?"

"I-I don't know what to say to her, Hide. 'Hello again Sister, welcome back from the almost dead. Sorry that I let you get taken and almost killed by that freak'. I'm sure that would go over real well."

"I wouldn't say that exactly, now hush."

I find myself sitting outside on Auntie Marla's porch as Obi and Daliah talk. She woke up about an hour ago so once she was checked for injuries and filled in on what happened we gave them some privacy. I look over at Marla and wonder why she's called Auntie since she seems to be near our ages.

"You're curious about something." She hums as she watches the firefly walk across her finger. "Feel free to ask what you like."

"I- uh," I feel my face warm so I sigh. "I was just wondering why Obi calls you Auntie if you're around our age."

"Oh, well I took Anyala and Len... Obi, whatever his name is now, I took them in for a while, I knew them when they were babies, then I took him in a few times over the years. I hadn't seen Anyala in a very long time up until today. She grew into such a beautiful young woman. She looks just like their mother."

I look over at her in surprise. "You knew their parents? Over the years Obi never mentioned his family. I didn't even know about her until she showed up and tried to kill him."

"Their parents weren't the best people..." Her voice comes out with a sigh. "Their real father left before Anyala was born and their mother had found someone new. He was an alcoholic who beat her constantly. Since she couldn't fight back against him, she took it out on the kids. Then he got her hooked on opium and he died of an overdose. To make ends meet so she could get her fix, she tried to sell Anyala. Len heard her talking to a man one night about it so he stole her from her bed and ran away. He stumbled across me while I was gathering berries and she was ill so I took them in. He kept calling me Miss so I came up with Auntie to stop it. Also, I'm about nine years older than you."

"Are Len and Anyala their real names?" I ask finally. I have so many questions but this one seems to be the easiest to get out.

"Anyala is her real name, but I'm not sure what his true name is. When I met them he wouldn't tell me his name and said he didn't have one. He called her Anyala so I assume that's her name. So, I gave information, now it's your turn. What have they been up to?"

"Obi has been working at Wistal Castle with me for about two years now and Daliah... Anyala... was an assassin known as Dali. She'd been hunting Obi for years because she thought he abandoned her and took on the identity of an assassin so people wouldn't mess with her and she could be part of his previous world. Obi and I were sent to capture Dali and they met again."

"I never pegged him to be the type to end up as a castle worker." She snickers. "So what were you all doing that led to her bleeding out on my table?"

"We uh, captured Daliah and he brought her back to the castle with a condition she wouldn't be killed immediately. He wanted the time to get to talk to her and apologize but once we learned that she may not have actually killed anyone, we were sent to get evidence to save her from execution. On the way, Daliah was kidnapped by the man Obi hid her from fourteen years ago and when we tried to save her he slit her throat."

"Those kids were always into something... So, you have a thing for Anyala don't you?"

I choke on my drink and cut her a look. "What?"

"You have a crush on my little Anee. Admit it, it's been written all over your face since you showed up here. How precious."

"I-I most definitely do not. She's my best friend's sister, that's a line that can't be crossed."

"Some lines are meant to be crossed and besides, you didn't give a reason why you don't beyond her being your friend's sibling. The way it sounds, your loyalty to Len is the only thing stopping you."

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