I Want To Go Swimming But I'm Already Drowning In Your Eyes

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Chapter 7: I Want To Go Swimming But I'm Already Drowning In Your Eyes
Song: Dandelion - Gabbie Hanna

 I return to Daliah's holding room a short while later with a plate of food, a drink, and a few fruit pieces that Shirayuki said would be alright for her to have without causing problems. Obi left with me, saying something about talking to Zen among complaints of her attitude. I would leave after giving her food, but I've been ordered to watch over her since Obi can't be trusted alone with her.

Daliah looks up at me as I walk in. Apparently in my absence she made herself comfortable sprawled out on the floor with her long black sweater balled up behind her head as a pillow. She hadn't taken it off since I met her, so it's rather strange to see her arms. Despite being outside a lot, she's rather pale and her arms are dotted with freckles here and there.

"You're being a creep again." She hums before sighing. "I didn't think prison would be this boring."

"You had expectations of prison?" I ask as I bring the food and drink over to her and settle on the floor a few feet away.

"Naturally, didn't you?" She sits up and starts to investigate the food before cutting me a mistrusting look. "Did you or anyone else poison or otherwise contaminate any of this food or drink?"

"No. As I told you before, there was a deal made between Obi and the prince ensuring that you will be safe and unharmed for two weeks."

She nods and carefully plucks the roll from the plate.

"You better eat more than just the rolls and the fruit." I sigh.

"You sound like Matya and the old man."

"Were they the ones Obi left you with?"

She nods again and scoffs. "Fat lot of good that did. Matya sucked and the old man died in a year. Don't tell Obi any of that or I'll beat you senseless."

"What was wrong with Matya?" As soon as I ask she tenses and I notice her hands shake slightly.

"Nothing. She was just stupid. People are stupid."

I left my question where it was, and considering her reaction, I believe I've pieced it together. If Obi found out the truth it would only make it worse for him. He feels bad enough for leaving her behind for whatever reason he had, and for the couple dying so soon afterward, then her subsequent disappearance... finding out they treated her badly would crush him further.

"So what was Obi like as a kid?" I ask and her eyes cut over toward me.

"Back then we were so reclusive, it's strange to see him speak so freely with you and to have so many friends. He tried hard to keep me safe and we traveled together, but one day he was gone for longer than normal and he started acting strange. The next day he took me to the dandelion field and the following day he left me at Matya's."

"Dandelion field?"

"There was one field near our home that filled with dandelions every year without fail. He'd take me when they first bloomed and let me play, then when they turned into the seeds I'd make him run through them with me so they'd fly and I'd make dozens of wishes on them." The soft smile on her face fades, the first genuine smile I'd seen from her, and she puts the berry held between her fingers back in the bowl. "The last day he took me, he plucked one of the seed flowers and made a wish I didn't hear. He looked sad but I didn't think anything of it since I was so young. I never expected that it would mean I wouldn't see him again for fourteen years."

Daliah hasn't spoken since her story about the dandelion field. I could tell by the look in her eyes she's not in the room anymore, she's somewhere in her past with Obi. I'm not going to pull her from her happy memories considering what she's been through and what she's going to go through.

"Mitsuhide... What is my brother like?" She asks softly.

"I'll tell you, only if you tell me what his true first name is."

"That's a secret for him to reveal, assassin's code. Daliah isn't my real name either but it's the name Matya tried to change mine to. I'm not sure how Obi knew to call me that... I only knew his through different contacts."

"Obi has this weird way of knowing everything, but Obi is a strange one. He came to work with us after he was hired to try and scare Miss Shirayuki away from the prince and failed. I think he was amused by Zen and Shirayuki, though he never actually gave a reasoning for wanting to work for the castle. He rarely goes inside and usually spends his free time napping in trees. He's a bit cocky and outspoken, but he takes care of everyone and I think he considers a lot of us his friends."

"Was he happy here?"

"I think so."

She nods and pulls her knees to her chest then rests her chin on her knees. "I'm glad."

"Can I ask you something? Do you truly hate your brother and want him to die or are you just upset that he left?"

"He's stupid. People are stupid. The stupid need to be punished." She whispers and absently tugs on a lock of hair.

"Was it really only the two of you at such a young age? Did you not have parents?"

"Everyone has parents, Stupid. Ours just made us and dumped us when Obi was old enough to walk and talk. He's the only person I ever had and that didn't even last long. He was my brother and parent all together. The only good thing that came from staying with Matya was the old man. He taught me to read and write and protected me from Ma- anyone who wanted to hurt me." 

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