Are You A Parking Ticket? Cause You've Got Fine Written All Over You

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Chapter 18: Are You A Parking Ticket? Cause You've Got Fine Written All Over You
Song: Snuff - Slipknot

 The castle gates come into view but my excitement isn't quite there. There's a small, hopeful smile on Daliah's face, same with Obi's. We are late, by half a day. The attacks set us back way farther than I thought they would, but I don't think that Zen will be too upset once we explain things. They were beyond our control after all. I let Obi and Daliah enter the gates first as I settle our arrival with the guards. My attention is drawn away from them though as I hear Daliah yelling. That's not good. I tuck my ID away and rush through the gates to find Zen standing with Kiki nearby as several guards try to subdue Daliah.

"What the hell!? We just got back! We have the files." Obi shoots a glare toward Zen as I try to figure out where to go. Do I go help her or Obi?

"There was a time limit that she failed to maintain." Zen explains like that justifies arresting her like this.

"But the files prove her innocence," I cut in. "our lateness wasn't her fault either. We were attacked multiple times."

"She had to make it back in time, so for the time being, she will be held in the cells until I can review everything."

I'm trying so hard to tune out Daliah's terrified shouting and what sounds like possible tears, but I can't. I look over at her to find her lying on her stomach and struggling while two men hold her arms and another presses his knee to her back so they can secure her wrists.

"Master this is absolutely ridiculous! You are not locking her down there like a criminal when she's innocent!"

"Stand down Obi." He warns, but before I can do anything, Obi swings at him.

In an instant Obi is fighting against a group of ten guards. Obi is skilled but he's outnumbered right now. I would try to help but I know it will do no good. I feel horrible for simply standing here and watching my best friend and his sister being arrested for something incredibly stupid but if I jump in and get arrested as well, then we won't have anyone on the outside to make sure Zen changes his mind about dropping Daliah's charges. Obi is quickly overwhelmed by the guards and he's pressed face down on the ground like Daliah.

"Zen, don't you think this is a little much? Daliah has been cooperative so far and she is innocent of her murder charges per the reports. I don't think either of them deserve to be locked away."

I doubt he'll change his mind right now but it's worth a shot. They may just be stuck down there until I get Zen to calm down and drop the charges.

"It's for safety reasons. Innocent or not I can't exactly trust her to wander around the castle on her own and I can't trust Obi to watch over her properly either."

The guards drag Daliah to her feet and she struggles harder to get away from them.

"You are not taking me down there! It's too small I can't breathe down there!" She cries out as they start to drag her away. "Let me go you tiny dicked pieces of shit! I will kick your ass and make you wish that your father pulled out! Let me go! Obi, Mitsuhide don't let them take me please!"

She starts to cry and I have to look away as Obi is hauled to his feet as well.

"If anything happens to my sister or you go back on your word about dismissing her charges, you will regret it." He growls as he passes Zen.

I find myself in Zen's office a short while later as he looks over the files. It's been so hard holding my tongue about how I really feel about their arrests. I'm trying to do it for their benefit so I can fight for them out here but I don't think I can hold it that long. There is no reason they should have been treated that way.

"Are you going to dismiss her charges?" I ask as he closes the file.

"She still has several more charges of different types to contend with. Though none of them warrant execution now that her murder charges are being dismissed, she will now be facing several years of prison time." He sighs and I feel my resolve cracking.

"I guarantee that during Obi's time before he came to work for you here, he had those same charges if not more, and you didn't sentence him to prison time for it. You just had him under close supervision for a while. Why not do the same for her?" I grind out as I try and fail not to grit my teeth.

"Because I do not know this woman beyond her being Obi's sister and labeled as an assassin and a common criminal on top of that. She's not going to get the same treatment as Obi."

"You didn't know Obi when you did it for him! He threatened Shirayuki and you still let him in. Daliah's done nothing to you or Shirayuki, yet you act like she's a monster." I mentally curse myself for finally snapping but he's being ridiculous. "If you don't know her, why not go talk to her? She has an attitude sure, but she's nowhere near a monster, she's an amazing woman..."

My eyes widen as I realize what I'd just said but Zen doesn't seem to acknowledge that part.

"Most criminals have no emotions, just really strong facades to make it appear like they care. Why would I go to talk to her if she does not care?" He asks as he crosses his arms over his chest.

I sigh and run a hand through my hair to shove back those thoughts. "Whether you believe it or not, she actually cares a lot. Daliah protected both of us multiple times and saved our lives at least once. She never tried to run or anything. She may have been a criminal but I won't let you keep her locked up like an animal. She doesn't deserve it. She deserves a second chance."

"Why do you care so much, Mitsuhide?"

Because... I like her.

Little Red *Mitsuhide x OC* (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now