Did You Sit In A Pile Of Sugar? Because You Have A Pretty Sweet Ass

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Chapter 17: Did You Sit In A Pile Of Sugar? Because You Have A Pretty Sweet Ass.
Song: True Faith (New Order Cover) - Lotte Kestner

"Obi! Mit-"

Obi and I race toward the sound of Daliah's voice. Obi made her mad and she walked ahead just enough that a bush hid her from us. It was apparently enough for something to happen to her. I draw my sword as I catch sight of her brightly colored hair, then curse as I see who is carrying her through the forest. He's really getting on my nerves. This time Obi and I will make sure he's dead even if we have to remove his head from his body.

"Liro! Get your hands off my sister!"

Liro turns and goes to look at Obi but his expression changes, so I look over to find Obi gone. That's rather inconvenient. His sister is possibly going to die and he's run o... Oh. Never mind. There he is. I grin as Obi appears in front of Liro and I hear the sickening sound of a dagger being stabbed into his chest by the time I reach them a split-second later. I pull Daliah from Liro's arms as he lunges at Obi. Obi takes a step to the side and grins sadistically at him as he hits the ground. He lifts his foot and plants it between Liro's shoulder blades then stomps on him a few times until the telltale sound of bones breaking fill the air.

"You should have left my sister alone, Liro. You escaped death once but trust me, this time you won't make it out alive." Obi croons before addressing me. "Make sure she's okay, then keep moving. I'll catch up."


"Now, Mitsuhide."

I sigh and take Daliah out of the clearing, trying my best to ignore the sounds coming from behind me. Daliah's still breathing and despite a slight trail of blood running from her hair, she seems otherwise uninjured.

"We still weren't able to properly protect you but we got you, didn't we?" I sigh. "We seem to keep failing you but this time your brother is making sure you're safe from Liro for good."

I gently place her on the ground and start to inspect her head for the wound. It seems like he'd hit her with a rock or something to knock her out and it'd cut her skin. It's not deep and the slight lump doesn't look bad. She should be fine, probably angry once she wakes up, but fine overall.

"Let's go. We're falling behind." I look up to find Obi walking into the clearing, his boots covered in blood and a few streaks and splatters are dried to his face.

I don't question him and carefully pick her up and move her to my back.

Daliah wakes up about an hour later and immediately starts to panic on my back and I find myself with a dagger pressed to my throat. Obi tells her that she's safe, then once the blade is gone, he plucks her from my back. She offers me a short, very vague apology before complaining that she got taken again.

"Seriously, before I tracked you down to kill you, Big Brother, I didn't get messed with. I come back around and it's like a free-for-all on who can kill me." She huffs. "Regardless, how's our timeline?"

My eyes move up to the canopy and trace the sunlight before sighing. "We're running late. If we don't stop for the nights and travel as much as we possibly can, we might make it on time."

"Your boss isn't going to be mad if we're just a tiny bit late, right? I mean we have the proof in hand so it's not like we just messed around the whole time."

"He shouldn't care if we're slightly off, especially if we explain your almost-deaths." Obi cuts in. "That bastard is dead by the way."

"You said that last time."

"Last time I kept his head on his body." He shrugs with a lazy smirk.

"Good job."

"Wait, you called me Big Brother! I haven't heard you call me that since you were five!"

I hold back a laugh as Daliah's eyes widen and she tries to scurry up my back to avoid Obi as he tries to hug her. Sadly this only means her fingernails dig into my shoulders as he tries to pull her free. It was hard enough dealing with them when they were trying to murder each other, now that they are civil, it's almost worse.

Daliah takes the sword from my waist and scowls as she lifts it to block a blow aimed for her. I have no idea how she noticed the oncoming attack but Obi and I didn't. I also don't know why she seems to be a living, breathing target. I step in front of her and punch a man that tries to lunge at her while Obi takes on the remaining two. I call out for a weapon and catch the dagger that whizzes past me from his direction. I'm not used to small weapons but it'll have to do. After ducking a sword, I straighten and slit his throat in a fluid motion. Daliah's back hits my side as her attacker advances, so I put my arm around her and take the sword with my other hand. I move her out of the way before stabbing him in the stomach. I twist it before ripping it out, then look down at Daliah to ask if she's okay. She nods though she avoids my gaze.

"Y-Yeah, thanks. I totally had it though..."

"You're bleeding." I point out as I notice a few red droplets dripping out of her sleeve.

She brings her arm up in front of her and scowls at the large gash running across her forearm.

"It would appear so. That's lovely. O-Oh, uh... you're still holding onto me..." 

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