Do You Have a Name or Can I Call You Mine?

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Chapter 3: Do You Have a Name or Can I Call You Mine?
Song: Toxicity - System of a Down 

It's been a week since Obi left in search of his little sister and I can tell that Zen is on edge about it. My previous thought about him potentially not returning has been discussed at least twice more but we keep telling ourselves that Obi wouldn't do that. The truth is, Obi could do it. We only know what Obi allows us to know, which really isn't much. It hasn't been spoken aloud, but I know that if Obi doesn't return within Zen's time frame, Obi will be considered a deserter and traitor to the crown. If that happens, we will be hunting not only Daliah, but Obi as well and they'd be executed on sight. I'd rather not kill someone that I consider my best friend. I'd rather not have to kill his sister either. This whole ordeal is a lot more complicated than I anticipated.

I look up at the sound of shouting on the castle grounds and Zen, Kiki, and I make our way out onto the balcony to investigate. My eyes fall on Obi and Dali locked in a rather funny battle. It seems he did find her, unwillingly based on the ties around her wrists connected to Obi like a leash. She seems to be continuously hurling insults at him while they struggle on which direction they're going. Daliah keeps pulling them back toward the gates, knocking him over, but he quickly regains the upper hand and she's knocked over and dragged toward the castle. I glance over at Zen and smirk at his deadpan expression.

"I told you that she had his attitude."

"They're acting like children." He sighs.

"They're long-lost siblings, assassins or not." Kiki shrugs. "How old was she when he left?"

"I'm not sure, but she had to be at least five since she remembered him."

"I swear I am going to tear your head from your shoulders and shove it right up your-!"

Daliah's threat is cut off by Obi forcefully tugging on the rope and sends her sprawling face first into the dirt.

"Alright, that's it. I take it back. I am going to tie you down and remove your fingers and toes one by one and force feed them to you, then I'm going to force your brain out through your nose!"

"She seems rather violent." Kiki muses.

"Only toward Obi. The whole time I was around her, she never tried to attack me, she only punched me so she could escape."

"Dear God Daliah, shut up already. You're not leaving so you may as well stop fighting me and just walk unless you want me to drag your stubborn ass across the grounds because I will. Just keep in mind there are three flights of stone steps leading down to the holding rooms." Obi's voice drifts up to us as they move closer.

The siblings manage to make it into the castle fifteen minutes later. They never stopped arguing and it quickly turned into them attacking each other. The guards had been ordered not to approach them or do anything involving her unless she tries to escape, so they just had to watch along with us. Zen moves away from the balcony and Kiki and I fall in step behind him as we head down to the holding rooms. As long as we don't find them fighting in a random corridor, they should be in a holding room now. We're going to wait in the other room where we can see and hear everything without them seeing or hearing us. Despite Obi wanting this time with her, I know that Zen will want to speak with her at some point.

As we step into the room my eyes fall on Daliah. She's panicking but not in in an 'I'm going to be executed, I'm imprisoned' way. She's deadly silent as she presses herself into the far corner of the room, her whole body trembling violently. What could have happened within the few minutes we weren't able to see them? Obi takes a step toward her but she snaps at him to back away so he steps back and holds his hands up in surrender.

"Daliah, talk to me please. What's going on?"

"Shut up! Just shut up... I-I need space. Too small... It's too small."

I look around their room and arch a brow. It's not a large room by any means, but there's more than plenty room for them. These rooms were laid out in a 15 x 15 sizing. How is it too small?

"I thought you got over that fear before I left?" Obi asks as he takes a small, tentative step forward.

"You'd know better if you hadn't abandoned me, now wouldn't you?" She bites back as her eyes fill with unshed tears.

Zen steps forward and raps his knuckles on the glass to signal Obi and Dali's eyes immediately focus on the wall.

"Who is that? W-Who's in there Obi?"

"Likely my Master and Mitsuhide, probably Kiki as well."

"Did they come to watch you murder your sister as she panics because you trapped her in this stupid small room?"

"They just want to know more about you." Obi tells her. "If you cooperate, I can have you moved to a bigger room, maybe even one with a small barred window so you can get the breezes."

"Go to Hell."

"I'll save you a seat, dear sister."

"I can't breathe in here. I'm going to suffocate. Get out."

"Me leaving isn't going to-"

"I said get out! It goes for those creeps watching through the window! All of you get out and leave me the hell alone!"

Obi falters as he heads toward the door and opens his mouth to say something, but he sighs and turns around again. I quirk a brow as Daliah smirks and pulls something from her pocket and just as she opens her mouth, I realize it's a vial. That can't be good. I quickly beat on the glass and Obi looks over before turning back to Dali just as she hits the floor.

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