I Lost My Number Can I Have Yours?

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Chapter 14: I Lost My Number Can I Have Yours?
Song: Asking Too Much - All That Remains

 Daliah's scream stops everything. Liro has her trapped against him again with the dagger against her throat. Obi and I both step forward and the pressure increases on the blade.

"Any movement from either of you and her pretty little throat gets slit."

"Oh dear God you have got to be one of the most annoying pricks I have ever met in my life. Are you the big danger that Obi tried to hide me from? If so, he's really overestimated you."

"Shut up bitch." He jerks on a handful of her hair, drawing a whimper from her lips despite her harsh glare.

"Is that supposed to hurt my feelings? Oh no, the creep called me a bitch. Whatever shall I do?"

I adore her attitude but she's going to get herself killed if she keeps it up. I feel my hands shake with rage as Liro turns her around and grabs her roughly by her throat.

"You talk way too much. It's a shame your brother couldn't save you, you're a rather pretty little thing."

"Don't you dare touch her." Obi growls and a smirk crosses Liro's face.

"I don't think you're really in a position to make threats, eh Obi? I have an idea my sweet. Why don't we show your brother how much fun we could have, then I'll let him watch as I kill you after?"

"How about I break your other wrist then cram both of your arms so far up your ass you'll be spitting out your own fingers?" Daliah spits in his face and he lets go of her hair long enough to backhand her, then jerks her back upright by her fiery locks. "If you're going to fuck with me Liro at least have the balls to give me a fighting chance, or are you scared you'll be beat by a young woman?"

I hear the sound of ripping fabric along with the continued vulgar ranting and threats . I can't see anymore through his men blocking me but I know whatever is happening can't be good judging by Obi's reaction. He's trying to tear through the men holding them back and Daliah's rant has turned into pleading and screaming. I kick the nearest man back and take his sword since mine was forced away when Liro caught her again. My blade collides with another but I shove him backward and run them through before turning to the next. I make it to Daliah and Liro a few minutes later and I have to avert my eyes from her since he's torn most of her clothing. He looks up at me defiantly as Obi joins by my side. As our weapons swing toward him, he slits her throat and her body hits the floor. No...

Obi disappears in a blur of movement but all I can do is hit my knees beside her and grab her sweater from the floor nearby to cover her. Her eyes are wide and tear-filled as she stares up at me. Her throat is covered in blood but I can't tell how deep the cut is. I let out a mumbled string of curses as I grab a discarded strip of her shirt and press it firmly to her throat.

"Hold on Daliah, okay? It's going to be okay."

She tries to speak but I tell her not to, just in case the wound is really deep and she hurts herself further. The look in her eyes shows that she doesn't believe me. She's terrified, and honestly I am too. I'm terrified she's going to die, that Obi's going to die, and of how terrifying Obi is right now.

I reach out to take Daliah back from whoever is trying to take her from me but I quickly realize that it is Obi. My eyes move around the room as I get to my feet and realize there are bodies littering the floor around me. Blood is everywhere, even coating Obi's face in random splatters and smears. The fire in his eyes died out and now his sole focus is on Daliah as she fights to keep her eyes open.

"Come on Daliah, stay with us. I'm going to get you to Auntie Marla okay, but you have to stay with me. Stay awake, okay?" He tells her before kissing her forehead and heading toward the stairs.

I find my sword and follow behind after making sure no one is moving. I don't know who Auntie Marla is but she better save her. As we hurry through the forest, Obi continues to talk to her in an attempt to keep her awake.

"You need to stay awake, remember? Come on Anee, you can do it." I arch a brow at the name but I don't interrupt. "If you stay awake for me then once you're fixed up, I'll get you some of that cake from Miss Peya's that you liked so much. Mitsuhide, I need you to run about a mile straight ahead and look for two evergreens close together. Go between them and you should find a small cottage. Find the woman that lives there and tell her that Len and Anyala are coming and it's an emergency."

I do as he says and find the trees and cottage within a few minutes and find a woman with long deep red hair tending to a flower bush in the yard. She addresses me without looking up from the plant and asks why I'm violating her peaceful home with my presence. I tell her what Obi said and she drops the shears and basket before whipping her head toward me.

"Len and Anyala? Last I knew they hadn't seen each other in over ten years... Why are they together now? What's wrong? What happened? Who are you?"

"I'm sorry to spring all of this on you at once Miss, but her throat was slit and she's bleeding a lot. I'm Hide, a friend of Ob- Len's."

"I'm Marla but everyone calls me Auntie Marla. Now Mr. Hide, you get to help me get a spot cleared out to put her on so I can work." 

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