I'm Not Rapunzel But I'd Let You Pull My Hair

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Chapter 24: I'm Not Rapunzel But I'd Let You Pull My Hair
Song: Upside Down - Hollywood Undead ft. Kellin Quinn

Obi stares at me, his eyes betraying the hurt and the hope that I'll leave her be, but I can't say anything. Daliah depends on both of us and I'm not going to let the girl who had been abandoned before get left because of me. I'm going to be there if she needs me whether he likes it or not. I tell him that I'm sorry and he sighs before his gaze hardens and he walks away. I thought that not acting on the feelings was the safest thing to do but Obi still got hurt and I've lost my best friend.

"Mitsuhide?" My heart lurches at the sound of her voice behind me.

I turn and she's standing just under the cover of the castle corridor in dry clothes with her hair in damp waves around her shoulders. There's a towel in her arms and confusion on her face.

"What's going on?"

"Oh it's nothing. I thought you'd gone to bed."

"I dragged you into the rain so I was bringing you a towel." Her confusion has turned into suspicion. "You're lying to me though. I heard part of your conversation. Who does my brother want you to stay away from and why?"

"Please, it's nothing, really." I can't tell her the truth because that opens up the bigger issue of her finding out that I like her.

"If you don't tell me, I'll simply find Obi and ask him. He can't deny his darling sister." She smirks and I curse under my breath.

"Fine," I sigh as I join her so I can dry off. "There's a person that I have spent time with that Obi doesn't approve of so he wants me to stay away from them and I don't want to."

"Tell my brother to kiss your ass. It shouldn't be any of his business who you choose to spend time with."

"It's not that easy." Especially since she's the one between us.

"If you'd like, I will speak to him."

"No, no. I'll take care of it. Thank you though. It's late, let me walk you to your room."

"You make it sound like I could possibly get myself hurt or killed walking by myself here." She chuckles lightly as she falls in step beside me.

I wake up to a loud thud against my wall on Daliah's side. Once she was given the slight freedom, her room was assigned between mine and Obi's. I get to my feet and dress quickly before heading into the hall. As I leave my room, Obi does as well and he shoots a glare at me but we both turn toward her room. The door is open and she has one of the groundskeepers pinned to the floor beneath her foot.

"What's going on?" Obi asks and she looks up at us.

"Oh, hello boys. I'm just dealing with some trash. Wrey decided that my bedroom would be a good place to die tonight so I'm helping him along, that's all."

"Did he hurt you?"

"No," She shrugs before digging her heel into his chest. "I woke up to him trying to put his hand up my shirt so I broke his fingers, naturally, then slammed him into the wall over there. Then somehow he magically ended up covered in injuries while lying on the floor like the filth he is. Ooh, Wrey darling, have you met my brother Obi and our friend Mitsuhide? They're rather protective of me so you've made a horrible mistake by messing with me. So what's the protocol with this? Do we get the prince? Execution? Guards? Personally, I vote execution but that might lead to my own."

I sigh and shake my head. "I'll get Zen."

When I return with Zen, Wrey is in the corner of her room as far away from the siblings as possible while Daliah sits on her bed and Obi guards the door. She looks up from braiding her hair and greets Zen politely. Her knuckles are wrapped and Wrey's face is covered in rapidly darkening bruises now. Zen looks between her and Wrey before asking what exactly happened. Wrey doesn't speak so Daliah chooses to go first.

"I was asleep and I woke up when the blanket moved on the bed. I felt a hand under my top and found Wrey here with his hand creeping up toward my chest. Naturally, I defended myself and now here we are."

"Wrey, do you deny her accusations?" He gets a cocky smirk but Obi and I both shoot him a look and it fades.


Zen asks Obi and I to escort Wrey up to his office so we leave together despite the glare Obi directs at me. Zen stays behind, to talk to Daliah I'm sure, leaving us to walk in a tense silence.

"I didn't know she was your sister. She's pretty hot." Wrey breaks the silence.

Before I can blink, Obi punches him in the face. "Keep your mouth shut about her before I take your fate into my hands."

Obi went to check on Daliah once Zen released us so I went back to my room. He repeated his earlier threat for me to leave her alone before I simply shut my door. With a sigh, I lay back across my bed. I want to check on her and see if she's okay, but I know with Obi lurking around it'll only serve to make him more mad at me. I feel myself start to drift off but a knock on the door wakes me again. I call for them to enter, figuring it's Obi coming to yell at me again but Daliah appears, wrapped in a blanket.


"Are you okay?"

She nods, bites her lip, then shakes her head. "I don't know. I can't sleep now."

"What can I do to help?"

"Can we go for a walk?"

Obi's going to be furious but I don't care. She came to me, I won't turn her away. We make our way across the grounds toward the gardens out of habit and settle on the bench of her alcove. We sit in silence for a few minutes until she looks up at me.

"Thank you for taking care of me for so long."

"It's not a problem. I'll be here for whatever you need."

"Then could you help me with something?" She asks softly.

"What is it?"

"Could you close your eyes for me, please?" 

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