Do You Believe In Love At First Sight, Or Should I Walk By You Again?

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Chapter 5: Do You Believe In Love At First Sight, Or Should I Walk By You Again?
Song: If You Only Knew - Shinedown

 Since Daliah is alive and awake, I quietly ask Shirayuki if she would mind finding Obi and trying to convince him to come back. This whole thing is a very delicate and morbid situation but if Obi doesn't try to make things right with her now, he won't get the chance in the future. Daliah's eyes are focused on me as I try to figure out just what I'm supposed to do and it's making it even harder for me to think.

"Where's my brother?" She asks and my mind blanks completely.

"He's- uh, well-"

"He left, didn't he?" Before I can answer, she sighs and shakes her head. "It's okay, you don't have to lie for him. Obi has left before, it's not like I expected anything different... And I suspect you're only here because you were ordered to be, right? Well if you're stuck here I guess you may as well take a seat."

I look at the chair next to her bed and debate on it before finally moving to sit, not for my own comfort because I honestly feel more comfortable ten feet away from the suicidal assassin, but I think that it may make her trust me and open up more if I do. Zen has assigned me to her and Obi as well, so perhaps with her abandonment issues I can act as a constant for her until she makes up with Obi.

"If I'm slated for death anyway, why did you guys save me?"

"Because Obi made a deal with the prince in order to bring you to the castle anyway and I refuse to let the deal go to waste."

Her brow quirks up at my explanation as she slowly sits up in bed. "What kind of deal?"

"He wanted to bring you here instead of simply tracking and killing you where you stood as our original job said so he could talk to you and spend time with you while he could."

"If he wanted to do any of that he had fourteen years to do that but didn't. I'd rather die than listen to him trying to make up for missing out on my life."

Shirayuki returns with Obi a few tense minutes later and I get to my feet to grab Obi before he can try to run again. I shove him toward the bed and tell them I'll be just outside the room. Obi doesn't want to kill her and she's too weak right now to kill him, so they should be fine. The walls are thin enough that if something were to happen, I can hear it and come split them up.

With a soft sigh, I lean back against the wall near the door and wait to see what happens. It's dead silent for a few minutes, but then I finally hear Obi's voice, though I can't make out his words. There's a very brief silence before her harsh voice shatters it, again throwing the abandonment in his face. Obi is my best friend, but without knowing why exactly he left her behind, I'm finding myself more on her side of this.

"I had to do it Daliah, I'm sorry but there was no other way."

"Why, Obi? Why? Hm? You keep saying you had to do it but you never say why."

I'm sure the herbalists are very confused right now...

"If you won't tell me then get out!" Daliah snaps and the door opens a second later.

I step out in front of Obi to block him from leaving and shove him back into the room. They're still acting like children and I'm going to put an end to it the best I can. She glares at both of us as we enter and she grumbles for us to go away.

"Alright, I've listened to the two of you argue for two days now. No offense Daliah, but in case you both forgot, she's going to be sentenced to death in two weeks. Do you really want what I imagine is your only family to hate you when this is happening? Yes Obi is a total screw up and he hurt you, and yes Daliah should probably forgive you depending on the reason... but none of this is going to change unless you two stop acting like children! Now, Garak told me that you can leave so we will all be returning to the holding rooms again."

"I'm not going back there."

"It's that or a prison cell." Obi cuts in and I smack the back of his head. "Hey!"

"I feel like a parent right now dealing with you two. Seriously, you're both assassins but you're acting like five year olds."

"Well considering Obi dumped me off when I was five, I don't see a problem with it."

"Just hush." I sigh before helping Daliah to her feet.

When we get to the holding rooms, I have an idea. I open the door and lead Daliah inside, leaving Obi to trail in after us. They turn to me expectantly and Obi asks how us coming back here is going to help them work through their problems.

"Oh, that's an easy answer." I smirk as I take a step backward. "You two are going to spend some quality time together."

"You wouldn't dare..." Obi scowls as he steps forward.

"Oh but I would."

I quickly duck out of the room and lock the door just as Obi gets to it. Ignoring the sounds of his yelling, I make my way into the observation room to watch the drama unfold. They may not get along right away, but they will eventually. Obi's not leaving the room otherwise. I chuckle as the siblings shout curses at me through the window and decide to get comfortable. The door opens and I look over to find Zen and Kiki trying to figure out what's going on.

"So I'm guessing Daliah is going to be okay?"

"From the poison yes, from this, it's hard to say."

"What's going on?" Kiki asks.

"Forced sibling bonding of course."

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