Even If There Wasn't Gravity On Earth I'd Still Fall For You

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Chapter 4: Even If There Wasn't Gravity On Earth I'd Still Fall For You
Song: I Don't Need You - Asking Alexandria

Obi makes it to Daliah as I open the door to the holding room. She's still breathing but she's unconscious and her body is starting to shake. Zen was telling a guard to call for an herbalist as I was leaving, but I don't think waiting for them is going to be okay. I don't know what it was she took but it can't be good if it effected her that quickly. I'm surprised that Zen called for help considering her bounty but I guess it may be because he promised Obi the two weeks to be with his sister.

"Mitsuhide, I'm going to take her to the infirmary, I don't want to wait for someone to show up and I move faster."

"Go. If Zen complains, I will take the hit for it."

I watch Obi carry her out then cross the room to pick up the vial she'd dropped. It was wishful thinking that there would be some form of label or even a hint at what she took, but there's nothing on it. There is a drop of liquid inside but I'm not going to risk trying to smell it for answers either. The herbalists may need it to help figure out how to save her though so I leave the room and bump into Zen.

"Where is she?"

"I sent Obi to the infirmary with her. She was getting worse so if we'd have waited for them to get to us she probably would have died in the meantime. You promised him two weeks, I won't let you go back on it."

"Go supervise. I don't trust Obi to control his loyalties with us while she is around. Don't leave them alone and don't let her out of your sight. Once this is settled, bring her back here. I want you both to find out everything you can about her and her criminal history."

"If she's been sentenced to death, what's the point?"

"Depending on what she says, she may be linked to other deaths in Clarines and Tanbarun."

When I enter the medical buildings, the herbalists are hard at work trying to save Daliah. Obi is standing in the middle of the room staring at the bed like he doesn't know what to do. I hand the vial to Ryuu since he's closest then make my way over to Obi.

"They haven't figured out what she took yet so they can't save her." He mumbles without looking away. "Her heart rate keeps dropping."

"The vial had a little left inside, I'm sure they'll figure it out soon. She's going to be fine."

"She tried to kill herself because of me..."

"I don't think you're the reason, Obi. I think perhaps she just panicked because she got caught and the room was freaking her out. She'll be alright. I just want to know why she had it."

"It's a criminal thing. You're supposed to carry a fast acting poison in case you get caught. After you take it, if they try to get information out of you, you'll likely die before they got anywhere. She did it because I caught her."

"We found a pouch of vials on her hip and another vial tucked into her shirt, Obi."

We turn toward Ryuu who holds out the pouch. Obi glances inside and waves it off.

"Those are fine. What is the other?"

Ryuu holds up a vial of the same dark colored liquid she took earlier and Obi tells him to dispose of it.

"What are the vials in the pouch?" I ask as Ryuu leaves again.

"It's her medicine. She started having to take it the year before I left... There's something wrong with her body processing sugar so the herbalist gave them to her. I'm glad that she's managed to keep taking them, I worried about that."

While Garak and Ryuu work on the antidote, having discovered what it was she took, Shirayuki does her best to keep Daliah stable. Obi is still frozen in place, unable to look away from his sister dying in front of him. Sadly, all I can think is that if he can't handle this, it's going to be worse when Zen orders her execution in two weeks. Obi won't be able to handle seeing it but knowing him, he wouldn't not be there. Obi won't be the same after that he may even leave the castle after that. Right now all we have to do is make it through today and make sure she's alive... and unable to get her hands on more poison.

What feels like hours later, the antidote is starting to take affect. Her heart and breathing even out but Obi and I are still worried about her not waking up yet. The herbalists did tell us that it may be awhile as her body recovers but I can't help it. If she dies, I lose my best friend too. I can't say much about Daliah herself since I barely know her but from what I've seen so far, she's just a girl who's held a lot of hurt over someone she cared about. I can't excuse her crimes though. I'm torn from my thoughts by Obi smacking my arm repeatedly.

"What is it?"

"She's waking up... What do I do now?"

I sigh, wondering how I'm supposed to have the answer when I don't have any siblings myself.

"Just... be there for her? Be her brother. I think her anger toward you is just because she missed you and she's hurt. Make it up to her, make peace with her while you can. You've missed how many years together now?"

"Fourteen years... I missed fourteen years with her and now I have what, two weeks, before I have to watch her die. What the hell kind of brother can I possibly be to her?"

Before I can stop him, the door shuts behind me. Daliah is awake now though and Zen said I can't leave her alone, so now what do I do?

"Shit. I survived. God you people suck."

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