Do You Have A Sunburn or Are You Always This Hot?

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Chapter 9: Do You Have A Sunburn or Are You Always This Hot?
Song: Join The Club - Bring Me The Horizon

"My wish was that I could fix things and come back to you as soon as possible, but by the time I escaped Liro and his men, Matya and Boran died and you were gone. No one in the village knew where you were. I'm sorry, Daliah, I'm so sorry and I wish I could take it back, do things differently, something, but I know-"

He's cut off as Daliah throws her arms around his neck and hugs him tightly.

Obi is just sitting there as Daliah finally hugs him for the first time in at least fourteen years. Why isn't he doing anything? Hug her back! I want to yell it out to him but I can't so I lightly tap the glass and it seems to break him out of the trance and he slowly moves to hold her. I hear a quiet sniffle from her and Obi gently kisses the top of her head. A small smile crosses my face as I get to my feet and leave the room. I'll let them have their moment now. I'm glad they made even just the slightest bit of progress. I don't expect smooth sailing from them but this is a nice step. They talked honestly and hugged. I never would have expected it.

"Why the hell are you so stupid?" That didn't last long.

I make my way back into the observation room and find Daliah attacking Obi for not telling her the truth back then or when they first met again. In his defense, I'm fairly certain she told him not to tell her and the first time she was only five. If she didn't, then there's still the matter of her attacking him every few minutes so he didn't exactly have time to tell her either. I shake my head and watch as he dodges her attacks. Daliah's eyes are bloodshot and slightly puffy but she looks as fierce as ever.

"Why didn't you let me help you, Obi? I was young but I wasn't completely helpless."

"I couldn't let anything happen to you because of Liro. Now, are you done attacking me now?"

"For the moment." She huffs as she tries to catch her breath.

"Good because I wasn't done hugging you."

Obi pulls her back to his chest but with the position her face is buried in his shirt. She starts to flail until he finally releases her so she can breathe.

"I swear you weren't this clingy when we were children..."

"When we were children we were together a lot more so I didn't have to be." He hums. "You've gotten so tall."

"That's what typically happens when you stop being five."

"Such a smartass."

"I learned from the best. Now let me go, I feel suffocated in here already and you're making it worse."

Daliah batts her way out of Obi's grip and I decide that it might be time to get more answers out of her. She may be more cooperative now that they're at least tentatively getting along and she now knows why he had to leave. I knock before entering and they turn to me curiously. I make my way toward Obi and smile before shoving him.

"Good job. It took you long enough."

Daliah chuckles. "I see I'm not the only one who enjoys hurting my brother."

"From time to time." I shrug. "Daliah, I was wondering if you would be willing to talk with us a little more?"

"I suppose... I still hold the right to not tell you something if I feel I don't want to."

"That's fair." We settle on the floor, Obi beside me with Daliah across from us. "Will you tell us why you don't accept the murder charges against you?"

"Because I didn't kill anyone."

"You're an assassin Daliah, you have a notable reputation as an assassin." Obi sighs.

"My targets died, yes, but it doesn't mean I killed them..." Her face turns red so she tries to hide it with her hair.

"What do you mean? We're trying to do what we can to help you but you have to talk to us."

Her eyes move to me then to Obi before she sighs.

"I won't deny that I TRIED to be an assassin, but it never worked out. Something always got in the way..."


"Werin Barus, he was my first charge, yes?" I confirm with the paper Zen had given me with her information on it. "Well, I went to his house and broke in. I found him in the kitchen but he'd choked on his dinner and died before I could kill him... Lemi Suro, trampled by his horse... Eril Rue, hit by an apple cart... Derin Wensil I was so mad that I was unsuccessful so far that I made sure we were alone in a wide open field... he was struck by lightning. Everyone I tried to kill was killed by some freak accident."

We all sit in a stunned silence for a few moments before Obi poorly conceals a chuckle with a cough. I finally manage to get words to form and I ask if she's serious. Her face reddens again as she slowly nods. It seems to get the dam to break in Obi and he laughs to the point he falls over beside me.

"A-Are you serious!? Y-You a-always had such bad luck b-but this-!" He chokes out.

"Shut up!"

"Daliah, as much as I hate to say it, your confession would seem so far-fetched that I doubt I could do anything to save you."

"You can prove it though. The herbalists in the village always did reports on the deaths but they never release the files or cause of death. The only reason they're tacked onto my body count is because I took the jobs from this place called The Safehaven and the people died. It didn't matter if I actually did it or not. I let them give me the credit for it so I would build a reputation and people wouldn't bother me so I could look for Obi. If the prince writes up something requesting access to the files I'm sure the cause of deaths could prove accidental."  

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