Let's Flip A Coin, Heads You're Mine, Tails I'm Yours

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Chapter 8: Let's Flip A Coin, Heads You're Mine, Tails I'm Yours
Song: Far Away - Breaking Benjamin

 I leave Daliah's holding room after she falls asleep with her head resting on her knees still. We'd talked for a while longer before she fell silent and I realized she was sleeping. As I enter the observation room, I find Obi curled up in a chair staring at her through the glass. I move to sit beside him and he turns his gaze to the floor so I ask if he's okay.

"I didn't know Matya abused her... She and Boran were always really nice when I knew them so I thought it would be the safest place for her... God Mitsuhide, what did I do?"

"You didn't know. She's alive and safe here."

He scoffs and shakes his head. "Yeah but now she hates me and in a couple of weeks, since I brought her here, she's going to be killed by our boss. I think I should have never brought her here."

"If you hadn't, then it would have been both your lives on the line. Would you want her to watch you get hunted and killed by the crown you swore your allegiance to?"

"You make it sound as if you think I would be caught. My skills far surpass the abilities of the castle, if I don't want to be found they won't find me."

"Will you tell me why you had to leave her?"

"I did something incredibly stupid and had I not hidden her, she would have paid the price."

"What did you do?" I sigh. It's never a good thing when Obi says he did something stupid.

"I stole something from someone very, very dangerous in the underground world." He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "I needed something I could sell to get the medicine for Daliah. He found out it was me and he sent his people after me. They came to the cottage one night while she was asleep. They roughed me up pretty badly and said if I didn't return the item in two days, they'd take Daliah as payment. So the next day I took her to the dandelions since that was the place that made her so happy, made my wish, then brought her to Matya the next day. Once she was safe, I made sure my departure was known to the underground so they'd leave the village behind to find me."

"Why don't you tell her? She would understand, I'm sure."

"I can't... It wouldn't change anything."

No amount of convincing so far seems to be enough for Obi to admit to Daliah why he had to leave her behind. He won't explain to me why he won't tell her or why he thinks it won't fix things between them. It makes me almost tempted to simply tell her myself, then lock him in her room again until they hash it out. The stubborn siblings need to fix this themselves but they won't open up to each other. They're wasting time.

I ask a guard to watch them both and tell him they aren't allowed to go anywhere together. I leave them behind and head up to Zen's office to hear what he thinks about Daliah's confessions so far. I just wish that she'd confess to the murders or deny them with proof. The proper denial could tip the scales on her execution. With her confessing the other crimes she's still set to die. When I enter the office, Zen asks how things are going. I sigh and shrug. It's going about as well as expected considering who I'm dealing with.

"Did Obi tell you about her confessions?"

"Yes and if she is telling the truth, then I feel bad for her but I could really only excuse the assault charges for self-defense. Has she said anything further?"

"Just some stuff about her childhood and the couple she stayed with."

"What of Obi?"

"He's taking this all hard, blaming himself for everything that happened to Daliah. I discovered what caused him to leave her though. He got into some trouble with a dangerous man who threatened to take her, so he brought her somewhere he thought would be safe, then led the man away from the village so she wouldn't be harmed."

"How is he reacting to her being here and what's to come?"

I avoid his gaze and sigh. I don't want to repeat what Obi said, but I can't exactly lie to Prince Zen either.

"He's handling it. He's not happy but he is coping."

"Just keep a close eye on both of them, see what else you can get out of her."

Obi is in Daliah's room when I return. She isn't yelling at him or attacking and he isn't either. I raise a brow before settling in a chair to see what happens. They're just sitting quietly and fidgeting as they avoid looking at each other. I guess this could be considered progress. I'm just happy they're not arguing.

"Are you going to talk or what?" She snaps and I grin. There it is.

"I- uh, you deserve an explanation for why I left."

"You think? It's not like it's going to be a magical bandage though."

"I know," Obi sighs. "Daliah, I didn't want to leave you behind but it wasn't safe for you to be with me. Do you remember before we left the cottage that time you got really sick and then you ran out of your medicines?" She nods so he takes the opportunity to continue. "Well, to make sure you got your medicine and more medicine to make you better, I stole something from Liro. Liro found out and sent people after me but by then it was already sold and you were healed. They beat me and said that I had two days to return it or they would take you. Matya and Boran always seemed nice when I saw them, so I thought it would be a safe place for you to hide. I took you to the dandelion field and made my wish while you played..." He runs a hand through his hair and looks over at her. "My wish was that I could fix things and come back to you as soon as possible, but by the time I escaped Liro and his men, Matya and Boran died and you were gone. No one in the village knew where you were. I'm sorry, Daliah, I'm so sorry and I wish I could take it back, do things differently, something, but I know-"

He's cut off as Daliah throws her arms around his neck and hugs him tightly.

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