Do You Have A Switch? Cause I Want to Turn You On

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Chapter 26: Do You Have A Switch? Cause I Want to Turn You On
Song: Falling Apart - CAPTIVES

 I find myself in Zen's office with Daliah, Zen, Kiki, Obi, and Izana a few minutes later. I had to find Obi and bring him to the office under Zen's orders. We're in trouble and Izana is simply there because he's the only one who could potentially claim that she had been with him the whole time. Of all of the people in Wistal Castle, Izana was the last person I expected to find her with.

"So," Zen starts as he settles in his chair. "What happened after I left last night, Obi?"

"I was mad at Mitsuhide so I yelled at him, then went to check on Daliah. I left her in her room and went out onto the grounds. I went for a walk through the gardens a short while later and came across Daliah and Mitsuhide. There was another disagreement and Daliah left and I went to bed."


"Obi came to check on me and after he left I found I couldn't sleep, so I went to talk to Mitsuhide. We decided to go for a walk around the grounds and there Obi found us and we all argued before I ran off. Prince Izana couldn't sleep as well and we stumbled across each other in the corridors. We spent the rest of the night talking up until we came across you."

"Why did no one tell me that she wasn't in anyone's sight?"

"We didn't want to overwhelm her or trouble you, so we decided to take the job in our own hands."

"Lord Brother, will you tell us your side?"

"I couldn't sleep so I was going back to my office to work and along the way I found her curled up in one of the alcoves crying and ranting about her brother. I knew of the girl who had to be heavily watched so I told her to come with me. She sat in my office and we talked for a while until she fell asleep. We were leaving to find one of you to escort her so she wouldn't be in trouble. However, Zen, I see no need to keep a leash on her."

"Daliah, what made you go off on your own?"

I feel myself tense and notice Obi and Daliah do the same.

"I-uh, it's well..."

"None of your concern, Zen." Izana cuts in. "I am aware of the situation and her actions were justified. Now, my suggestion, dear brother, is to release her of this frivolous probation mess and find her a position in the castle. You gave the dark haired nuisance over there two weeks before you brought him into your little group, it's been at least a month for her."

"If you feel she is ready to be released, then where do you suggest I place her?"

I walk across the grounds with Daliah beside me as she celebrates her release and new job position. The conversation turned from her disobeying Zen to Zen's 'incompetence' as Izana put it, and then to where to place her within the castle. What I didn't expect was for Izana to offer her a position working under him. After accepting the offer, we were all dismissed and Obi immediately tried to speak to her but she grabbed my wrist and dragged me away.

"I have a job!"

"I hope you'll like it. You won't see all of us as often since Izana likes to travel though."

She frowns slightly but shrugs. "I think I'll be alright. I don't like to be in the same place for a long stretch of time anyway. Traveling will keep me out of close spaces as well."

"I meant to ask what caused that fear but I didn't want to stress you."

"When I stayed with Matya, she didn't give me a bedroom to sleep in. There was a cabinet in her kitchen that had no shelf, so she would shove me in there at night and block the door so I couldn't get out."

"I've never met her, but I hate that woman. I'm sorry you had to go through that."

"I hate it but in a way it led me to you-you all here at the castle."

We stop at the bench in the alcove and I ask a question that's been burning in my mind all night.

"Daliah, why did you kiss me?"

"Because I have romantic feelings toward you and wanted to act on them." She answers matter-of-factly.


"I like you, Stupid. Whether you like me or not is another stor-"

I cut her off by pulling her into a kiss. When we part she asks why I did that.

"Because I have romantic feelings toward you and wanted to act on them." I mimic her answer and she smacks my chest.

"Just shut up and kiss me again."

We cross paths with Obi around sunset as we head across the grounds with our dinners. He nods at me, then looks at her with pain and regret evident on his face. She glances at him before looking away with a halfhearted huff. I nudge her with my elbow and she sighs.

"Hello Obi."

"Anee, I-" She holds up a hand to cut him off.

"I do not want an apology right now, it's only an emotional response because you realized you messed up. I don't trust you, I'm not happy with you, but I don't hate you. I'm not sure when I'll be ready to try again to get close to you but I need a promise from you here and now. Promise not to interfere with my life and free will again."

"I promise, Anee. I understand your decision and hope that in time we can start over." His eyes move down to our intertwined hands. "I'm happy that you both are happy. Take care of each other."

"I thought Mitsuhide wasn't supposed to be around me."

"I just- I didn't want to lose you when I just got you back and I knew he liked you and I thought you'd not want anything to do with me if you found out."

She passes her plate to me and steps forward to kick him in the shin.

"Idiot. Regardless of what happens in my life, you'll still be my brother."

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