I Really Like Your Shirt. It Would Complement My Floor

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Chapter 13:  I Really Like Your Shirt. It Would Complement My Floor
Song: Take Me Home - Hollywood Undead

Obi and I reach Liro's hang out, at least the one Obi knew of the last time he'd crossed paths with him. It's an old building on the outskirts of this small port town that used to be a tavern and inn. Seems like a rather stereotypical place for a thug to set up base, but I guess it happens sometimes. I look to Obi for guidance and he slips through the shadows toward the windows. Most have been boarded up, but there are cracks here and there to peek through. I follow him and check a window further down. My room is empty at least, I'm not sure about his. He curses and punches the brick wall before running a hand through his hair. I guess that's empty too.

"Hide, boost me. I'm going inside."

"I thought it was empty."

"I have to see for sure. If there's a chance she's in there, I'm not going to leave her."

I cup my hands together and help Obi climb the window up to the second floor. The windows up there aren't boarded and one has been broken. I watch as he disappears through the window and sigh. Hopefully Daliah will be in there safe and sound and we can rescue her. I hear a loud crash from inside followed by sounds of metal on metal. I guess the building wasn't empty after all, but now... how do I get in to help?

After breaking through one of windows with rotted boards, I find myself in the tavern part of the building. It's still empty down here and all of the fighting seems to be above me. As I move toward the stairs, a man's body comes tumbling down to rest at my feet. Good job Obi, that's one down at least. I step over the man and draw my sword as I reach the top of the steps. I'm instantly met with four swords trained at my throat. Obi is pinned to the wall by ten other men and in the center of the room, tied to a chair is Daliah. She's unconscious... I hope. I can't see her face since her head is hanging and her hair is in the way. Standing beside her is a man I can only assume to be Liro. He's lanky and dark haired much like Obi, but his eyes are a pale, piercing grey.

"Oh look Obi, is it? Your friend is here. How cute." He sneers before snapping his fingers.

The men surrounding me lunge toward me but even with me fighting as well as I can, my sword is knocked from my grip and I'm forced face down on the floor. The men trapping Obi force him to his knees.

"I was simply going to kill your sister in front of you, but I shall give you a real treat and murder your friend as well."

"Leave them out of it Liro," Obi growls. "They didn't steal from you, I did. If you really want to take your revenge, then kill me instead."

"Well, you see the problem with that is that was not our agreement. You were to return what you stole in exchange for your sister's life. You failed to do that so now your darling little sister is going to pay the price and your friend will be interest." Liro smirks as he draws a dagger and uses his free hand to grab a handful of her hair. "How does it feel knowing you've failed your precious sister again and this time there's nowhere you can hide her away from me?"

I fidget with the ropes binding my wrists once the men that were holding me leave to join the fight to keep Obi subdued. Liro was taunting Obi by trailing the dagger down her face and Obi almost broke free. It would have been nice if he did, but now their attentions are solely on him. If I can free my wrists, we may have a shot at this going in our favor. Right now with Daliah unconscious it'll be two against fifteen. It's not the best odds but Obi and I have fought in similar situations before. The ropes finally fall from my wrists and I keep my gaze on the men as I slowly reach for my sword just out of my reach. A slight movement draws my attention to Liro's side and I realize that Daliah is waking up. Her eyes widen as the dagger presses against her throat and she focuses on me. I hold a finger to my lips and she bites her lip in an effort to keep herself quiet and calm. As I grab my sword, Daliah's freed herself from her binds and snaps Liro's wrist before slamming her head up to his chin.

"You annoying little wretch! I was going to kill you peacefully before, but now I'll make sure it hurts."

Liro swings at her but I catch his dagger as I stand between them.

"Are you hurt?" I ask.

"I have a wicked headache now but so far I'm alright. I'm very confused too."

"I'll explain once we get out of this. For now, go down the stairs, there's a sword. Obi and I are going to need all the help we can get."

Daliah joins the fight a few seconds later, diving in the path of a blow meant for her brother as the room fully erupts into chaos. There are flickers of red around the room from the growing amount of blood and Daliah's hair. We're doing fairly well so far, we've taken down four people between us, but Liro has disappeared in the crowd. I've been trying to track him but there are too many people for me to focus. Daliah's scream stops everything. Liro has her trapped against him again with the dagger against her throat. Obi and I both step forward and the pressure increases on the blade.

"Any movement from either of you and her pretty little throat gets slit."

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