Roses Are Red My Face Is Too That Only Happens When I'm Around You

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Chapter 6: Roses Are Red My Face Is Too That Only Happens When I'm Around You
Song: Mama's Broken Heart - Miranda Lambert 
A/N: To my returning readers, I'm sure you know who's going to make an appearance(:

I'm not sure how I feel about having the wrath of two assassins directed at me, but I know this will help. They've been locked in together for three hours now and they've finally stopped threatening me and are now staring at each other. Zen and Kiki are watching with me and I think they've realized how evenly matched their tempers are. Daliah takes a step toward Obi and I foolishly think it may be a sign of growth but she punches him in the stomach.

"Listen Daliah, I know I deserve that but-"

"But nothing Obi! You left me! You were all I had and you dumped me on someone's doorstep like a stray! I didn't see you for fourteen years!" Daliah's voice softens slightly as she crosses her arms over her chest. "I'm going to die here because I became an assassin to track you down. I'm going to die for crimes I didn't even commit because of you."

"What?" Obi asks what I'm thinking.

Zen was called away to a meeting so he's missing this.

"Nevermind about that, I'm still pissed at you."

"Daliah, tell me what you mean."

"No." She huffs and moves to stand across the room from him but he tackles her to the floor.

"Tell me!"

"No! You don't have the right to suddenly be interested in my life."

"Daliah, listen to me. If you have something, ANYTHING, that is truthful that can help you survive, you have to tell me."

She glares up at him before turning her head to look at the glass separating us.

"I don't want to talk to you. I will talk to the one you call Hide."

Why does she want to talk to me? I thought she hated me. She seems to hate everyone. Before I can do anything, Obi gets to his feet and moves toward the glass and tells me to come in. I don't know how I feel about that. On the one hand, we can potentially learn more about Daliah as Zen has wanted, but on the other, I'll be willingly walking into a room with two assassins who are mad at me. I sigh and resign myself to whatever fate waits for me on the other side of the glass. When I enter, Daliah is sitting up combing her fingers through her hair while cutting glares toward Obi.

"I heard you wanted to talk to me."

Her golden eyes flick over toward me. "Can you make him leave?"

"The most I can allow is for him to go into the other room."

She huffs in annoyance before sighing. "Fine. I guess he can stay, but he better stay over there."

"Alright, alright, so what did you want to tell me? What crimes did you not commit?"

"...All of them. Wait, what ARE my charges?"

"Twelve counts theft, ten counts of murder, three of forgery, nine counts of assault, and piracy." Obi tells her as he sits in the far corner of the room.

"In that case... twenty-two of those are correct."

"That's still a lot..." I mumble under my breath. "So, what twenty-two are they?"

"The twelve theft, three forgery, six assault, and piracy." She ticks off on her fingers.

"You're an assassin but not owning up to the murder charges?" Obi cuts in.

"Tell him if he speaks again, I stop."

After stopping our conversation to lay out ground rules for the grown children, we're able to continue once Obi agrees not to speak unless directly spoken to and they have to stay at least arm's length apart at all times. Daliah isn't allowed to lie either. I cast withering glares as they both pout and huff, then ask Daliah to explain.

"Well, I did steal a lot, but it was for necessary things when I was otherwise unable to get them..."


"Obi." I cut him off. "Like what?" I ask since I figure that's what he was going to ask.

"My medicine... The herbalists usually keep a steady supply of it and when I couldn't afford it, it was steal or death and I had a goal to complete."


"I took a few prescription slips and passed them off as real to get the medicine a few times."


A broad grin crosses her face before she answers. "I don't appreciate men putting their hands on me or anyone unable to defend themselves. They deserved it."

So far I can't exactly fully fault her for her decisions, if she's telling the truth.

"What about piracy?"

She cuts a quick nervous glance at Obi before her face turns red and she fidgets with the hem of her hooded sweater.

"I uh, well- there was this guy..."

"You had a boyfriend!?"

"Obi, you agreed-"

"Before I found out that my baby sister was with a man! Did he touch you? Who is he? I will tear him lim-"

"Obi shut up. I'm nineteen." She scowls. "I met someone named Torin at one of the ports a few years ago and I lost a bet and ended up coming aboard his ship since he was captain. I traveled with his crew for a while and got involved with weapons trading, then when the mutiny happened, since I was dating the captain I was thrown off too. We decided to go our separate ways and I refocused my efforts on finding Obi."

"So why aren't you owning up to the murders?"

"I don't want to talk about it, I'm done talking for the day. Can I have some food?"

"Mitsuhide, she can't just stop talking like that!"

"I'm allowing it. We're lucky enough she was willing to say this much to us. Just keep in mind, Daliah, that if you lie and we find out, it'll be worse for you."

Daliah gets to her feet and moves to stand in front of me. I arch a brow and resist the urge to back away as she lifts her arm and her hand gently pats my cheek.

"Oh honey, you seem to forget I'm already going to be executed. What else can you do, execute me twice?" She chuckles and meets my gaze. "When you bring me food, I totally wouldn't complain if you bring me something sweet."

"You know you can't have sweets, Daliah." Obi calls out.

A small smirk crosses her face and she winks at me. "Then perhaps I'll just have Mitsuhide come back alone. I'm sure he's real sweet."

As I feel my face heat up Obi tackles Daliah and they start to fight again.

Little Red *Mitsuhide x OC* (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now