If Everything I See Is My Imagination You're The Best Thing I Ever Dreamed Of

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Chapter 19: If Everything I See Is My Imagination You're The Best Thing I Ever Dreamed Of
Song: The South - John Louis 

I run a hand through my hair as I hesitantly make my way down to the holding rooms again. They at least were taken there instead of the next floor down where prisoners are kept until they're transferred out to the prison. Zen dismissed me while he thought about it all and told me to check on them. I'm not allowed to go into their rooms though, since my loyalties are compromised now. I'm sure the siblings are pissed at me for not helping or protecting them but they'll have to understand why. I find Obi's room and enter the observation room. As expected, he's already freed himself of his binds and is now pacing the room and staring at the wall leading to Daliah's room, concern etched across his face. I'm glad he cares so much about her but he seems to be alright otherwise, so I leave the room to check on her.

Daliah isn't doing as well as her brother. She's pressed herself into the far corner of the room with her legs pulled to her chest. Her binds are on the floor in the center of the room just like Obi, but through her fiery fringe, I can see the tears in her eyes as they dart around the room. I thought before when she said the room was too small that she was simply trying to gain sympathy from Obi or to get him to leave so she could drink the poison, but now I can tell she wasn't lying. Obi himself has an aversion to indoor spaces, he'd rather be outside, but she is terrified even though these rooms aren't small. I wonder what caused her fear though sadly my guess is Matya. Daliah sniffles before cursing under her breath and wiping her face with her sweater sleeve.

"I can't do this... I did what that arrogant prince wanted yet here I sit, suffocating in this godforsaken hell hole. I should have known he wouldn't keep his word..." She whispers to herself. "I-I'm alone again, waiting to die like I did at Matya's. It's so small in here... I-I can't move. I can't breathe!"

I remove my weapons so I'll be in slightly less trouble if Zen finds out and leave them on the table before entering Daliah's room. She'd started to hyperventilate and I wasn't going to sit back and watch her suffer like that. My newly discovered feelings aside, I couldn't do that to her. She looks up after the door shuts and her golden eyes lock onto mine.


"I'm sorry I-" I'm cut off by her crashing into my chest.

I look down at her in surprise as she clings to me and sniffle, her face buried in my shirt. I slowly move my arms to wrap around her and run my hand through her hair. Her brother would kill me if he knew that I have feelings for her. I'm not sure I fully understand these feelings anyway, so I'm definitely going to keep quiet. Holding her right now despite her being upset is giving me a little fluttery feeling in my stomach.

"I'm sorry I didn't do anything out there, but once Obi got in trouble I wanted someone to stay on the outside to talk some sense into Prince Zen."

"For having a reputation as one of the nicest princes in the world, he's kind of a prick." She grumbles and I chuckle.

"He has his moments, but you have no room to talk. You had a reputation as one of the elite deadly assassins and you never murdered anyone, you even tried to save them."

"Shut up, Stupid." She's calming down, that's a good sign at least. "So what did he say? Do I have a gallows meeting or a sword meeting?"

"As long as you behave, execution is off the table..."


"I've been trying to talk him out of it but he's considering prison."

"No. Nope. Nu uh. Fuck that. Can I exchange prison for death? I'd much rather die than spend years suffocating in one of those cells. Last time I was put into a jail, I broke out in ten minutes."

"Why were you in a jail?" I ask as a flicker of disappointment runs through me as she pulls away.

"I punched the constable in his... area."

A sigh escapes me. "Why?"

"He tried to buy me for the night and wouldn't take no for an answer. I was... twelve...? at the time."

"Then I'm okay with that."

"How's Obi doing?"

I leave Daliah's room after she falls asleep on my shoulder. We ended up sitting against the wall talking for a while until she fell silent and her head moved to rest on my shoulder. I gently laid her down and covered her with her sweater. As I enter the observation room to get my weapons, I find myself face to face with Zen. This is going to be interesting.

"I-" I start but he holds up a hand to silence me.

"She seems so normal when she speaks with you."

"That's because she is normal. She's just a woman who wanted to find her brother and did what she had to to survive, whether it was legal or not. She took on the reputation as an assassin because she knew it would help find Obi and other criminals would leave her alone. I really think if you give her a chance, you will find she isn't what you think of her."

"She called me a prick." He grumbles.

"Well, in all honesty-"

"Yeah, yeah... When she wakes up I want to speak with her. From there I will make my final decision and when I do, all three of you will know."

"When you talk to her, would you be willing to bring her to a room with a window? It doesn't have to be a large one, just enough for her to get the fresh air and see outside. Due to her past, she has a bad reaction to being in places without fresh air and sunlight. She might be a little more willing to listen and talk openly if you show her that bit of kindness at least."

"I think I can arrange something." 

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