Do Your Lips Taste As Good As They Look?

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Chapter 2: Do Your Lips Taste As Good As They Look?
Song: Hear Me Now - Framing Hanley

 Obi won't shut up about me letting Dali go. It's not that I let her go exactly, but her deal sort of caught me by surprise. When I told her to tell me, she stepped closer then punched me in the nose before disappearing. I've explained it multiple times but he only sighs and tells me that I should have known better. It's not my fault that I don't know his sister.

"If anything, wouldn't it be your fault that you didn't catch her because you passed out?" I ask and he shoves me into a tree.

I thought we were going to go after her but Obi wants us to go back to the castle. It makes no sense to me but he seems determined so I suppose I'm just going to go with it. If he thinks he can convince Prince Zen to cancel the bounty, he's mistaken, but at the least he may simply be removed from the job. If that's not what we're doing, I have no idea what's going on.

"Obi, what are we doing?"

He looks over at me and shrugs. "Going home."

"But why? She was right there."

"I have a plan." He says and I sigh.

I don't know what he's thinking, but whatever it is can't be good. Obi is not much of a planner, he just does.

We make it to the castle undisturbed three days later and make our way up to Prince Zen's office. It feels strange with Obi being the one to make us return early since usually he is practically dragging me along on some crazy adventure. I think maybe finding out that Dali is his sister threw him off. I follow along behind him as he mumbles to himself. Perhaps the shock has sent him into a mental break.

"You're back sooner than I thought, did you find Dali?"

"Master, I need permission to bring Dali back alive for interrogation."

"What?" Zen sits up further as he stares at us in confusion. "Why?"

Our job was just to bring her body back, not to bring her in.

"I-It's important. I just don't want to bring her here and her be immediately executed."

"Her? Don't tell me you're in love with her or something..." Zen sighs and I laugh as Obi's face scrunches up in disgust.

"What is it Obi?"

A paperweight sails toward my face but I side-step it in time so it hits the floor with a loud thud.

"Shut up Hide, that's disgusting."

Zen and Kiki turn to us in confusion and I quickly explain what I learned.

The room falls silent as they look between me and Obi for a better explanation. Sadly I barely have any more information than they do. So, naturally, we all turn to Obi who is strangely silent. He shoots us all looks to leave it be but no one backs down so he sighs and curls up in the window.

"Dali is my little sister Daliah."

Before he can say more, Zen cuts in. "You told us you didn't have any family."

"At the time, I didn't know if she was alive. When we were younger I left her in the care of an older couple in our hometown but when I came back to check on her, I found out the couple had passed away and no one had seen her. I never saw her again until we found her in the forest."

"Obi," Zen sighs. "You do realize that even if you bring her in for interrogation or whatever it is you want to do, that she is still an assassin with a bounty on her head, right? She will be executed regardless of your wishes."

"I am aware... I'll deal with that when it comes. I just need permission."

"If you bring her back, I will give you two weeks, then I have to move forward with her execution."

Obi left on his own to capture Daliah. I didn't argue about going with him again because I don't want to interfere with their conflict. Daliah said she wants to murder him for abandoning her but watching them fight before, I can tell that their hearts aren't in hurting each other. They'll possibly beat each other senseless again but they aren't going to die. I just hope that he can find her and they can reconcile before she's sentenced to death. I'm just worried of the effect watching his little sister be killed by his employer's forces is going to have on him. I know if I were in his shoes, I wouldn't be able to live with myself after that, especially since he is bringing Daliah here to her death. My eyes widen as I realize something.

"Hey Zen, what if Obi left to protect her, rather than to bring her here? Is there a chance he won't return?"

"While it is possible, I don't think that will be what he does since he was insistent on bringing her here. If he'd wanted to hide her away or something, he would have simply brought you here and left on his own again without telling us. What I want to know is what Obi's sister is like. I just can't seem to wrap my head around it."

"Her hair is like a fiery orange color and she's rather pale, but the only physical thing they share is their eyes. Her fighting style isn't quite the same as his, but she's just as graceful and deadly. She has his cocky attitude too." I sigh. "I feel like if they'd stayed together and became assassins working together, they could easily take the whole world out."

"I know that she is an assassin, but is she something we need to further worry about?"

"I believe she is relatively harmless," I'm not completely lying. "but... I think I would place her around Obi's level, she seems unlikely to attack unless provoked... or trying to escape." 

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