Chapter 1

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Elly’s Point Of View

Chapter 1

I pushed through the back room, filled with sweaty bodies, desperate to leave the busy club. Truthfully, I still had ten minutes before my shift ended but I couldn’t wait that long. Tonight had been busy, and more than a couple of the partiers had to be removed by security - not before giving me enough abusive comments to last a life time.  I opened the side door and was finally able to breathe again as I took a step out into the cool night air. I walked a little way down the alley and leant on the wall, fumbling through my pockets for my packet of fags.

“Shit,” I muttered to myself, as I realised I’d left my lighter in my other jacket back at the apartment. I sighed and rested my head against the wall, listening to the steady beat of the music that could still be clearly heard even outside the club.  It wasn’t until I smelt cigarette smoke drifting down from along the alleyway did I even realise that I wasn’t alone.

“Oi,” I called to the shadowy figure that I could just about make out in the lights streaming out from the club’s windows. “Do you have a lighter I can use?”

“Sure,” he replied, walking up to me and handed it over. The light from inside sudden streamed out as someone opened the door, which gave me a chance to get a good look at the guy in front of me. Wow. He was seriously attractive. He kind of reminded me of those pop stars you see in magazines, that look way too perfect to be real.   

“Cheers,” I replied, throwing the lighter back again. He smiled and put it in his pocket. We stood next to each other in silence, smoking our cigarettes. I finished mine within minutes and got out another, he handed me the lighter before I could even ask, and I nodded my thanks at him.

“You look pretty young to be smoking so much,” he commented.

“Who are you, my father?” I asked, slightly aggressively.

“Point taken.” He replied, and I saw the small amount of light from the window reflect off his teeth as he smiled. “Do you work here?” he asked, gesturing behind us.

“Yeah, my friend’s parents own it and she got me a job here.” I explained, taking another drag at the cigarette.

“Katy Holmes’ parents?” he questioned, turning his head to one side. “The model?”

“That’s the one.” I nodded, throwing the cigarette butt to the ground. I still found it strange how people would recognise my best friend from clothing magazines or from the catwalk. “I better be getting back. Thanks for letting me borrow your lighter.” I smiled.

“No problem.” He replied as I turned back to the door. “Wait…” he continued and I glanced back to him with an eyebrow raised.

“Can I buy you a drink or something?” he said hesitantly.

I froze, my hand about to push open the door. It had been a while since I’d last had any kind of relationship. I’d had a messy breakup a while ago and, to be honest, the whole ordeal had put me off the idea of settling down with a guy. The sensible me, thought I should say some kind of excuse, go home, and get some sleep. The crazy me, on the other hand, thought I should go with this very attractive guy that I’d never met before and probably not get back until dawn.

Oh screw it.

“Sure,” I murmured, loud enough so he could hear.

“I’m Zayn, by the way.” He said, as I walked towards him.

“Eleanor.” I smiled. “But you might as well call me Elly, everyone else does. Where are we going?”

“I know just the place.” Zayn said, his hands in his pockets as he lead me through what seemed like hundreds of identical backstreets. I knew London well. I’d lived here for the past four years and been in and out the city all my life, but I didn’t recognise the route Zayn took me. Perhaps it was just because of the fact it was past midnight and the whole area was only dimly lit, or maybe I’d just never been here before – either way, I stuck close to him. I knew that wandering around the backstreets of London in the middle of the night was never the safest idea.

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