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Variiya's PoV

I didn't want to count how many Regulars were left, I didn't bother to figure out how high the ceiling was or what shade of yellow was the walls of the waiting room. I felt uneasy, knowing that someone knew me and where I came from. Someone knew no matter how much I tried to hide who I am. After we went out of Hansung Yu's examination room, Bam greeted us with a smile, happy seeing that we passed as well.

Myung, being annoying as ever, was taunting out my explanation to the son of Khun of how smart he is. Eh, it's fine, I don't want any attention.

Calliope poked him. "Oi quit acting so smart, you were just screaming at Hansung Yu and he was laughing at you, it was Variiya who figured out everything."

I spoke too soon.

I glanced up just a bit to see their reactions. Of course, Bam was amazed just like Calliope. I glanced at Khun. He was quite surprised. Then his blue eyes met my purple ones, for some reason, I didn't look away quickly like I usually did. His brow raised as if challenging me. Feeling even more confused as to why my body wasn't following me, I forced my head down.

I could have sworn it wasn't too hot awhile ago...

He excused himself to the bathroom, I have no clue as to why I'm acting like this. Calliope and Myung were talking and I didn't understand their conversation. Great, now I'm having a hard time connecting with my teammates. "Hey! Lucky boy! You passed this one too!"

I turned to see a scrawny man with short brown hair and freckles. He was wearing a violet tracksuit with orange highlights. Not my favorite combination but I'm not complaining. "I'm Shibisu, a Regular like you! Nice to meet you!" He brought forward his hand, Bam shook it and introduced himself. "What's the name of the big guy?"

I was wondering how comfortable Mr. Croc was on the tiny seat. "I'm leader Rak."

"Leader Rak?" Shibisu repeated.

"I'm the true leader of the era," He replied.

I snorted out a laugh and Rak gave me a look to shut me up but I continued laughing. "You've got funny guys on your team! By the way, you're awesome! You just look ordinary and you made it up here!"

"No, no, not really, it's thanks to my teammates," Bam protested.

"The most humble turns out to be the scariest," I think so too, I shouldn't underestimate any of my opponents like Shibisu and Bam "And who's the pretty lady?"

Okay, that made my brain go haywire. I looked at the man who seemed to be ogling at me. Oh, is he talking about me? I choked a bit before I gave my name. "I'm Variiya," I said slowly. This guy was weirding me out. Sure, he seemed nice but the fact that he found me pretty was something I don't hear everyday. I couldn't tell if he genuinely wanted to be my friend because I thought he just found me attractive. I brought out my hand for him to shake but he grabbed it and lightly kissed the top. Oh god, please no. I gingerly took it back, it would be pretty rude to recoil back with disgust.

I decided to change the topic, by remarking the obvious, to ease my uneasiness. "There aren't many teams left, the test is probably almost over."

"The test will be harsher from now on." Shibisu agreed, his somewhat lovesick expression melted into something quite serious. "But I'll pass all the tests. I made a promise to my friend to make it up the tower." He looked at Bam and I. "Why did you guys come into the Tower?"

It was odd how Bam seemingly struggled to give us his reply. "I must find someone in the Tower."

My eyes lit up from surprise. "Same," Technically, same.

MOON CHILD~ KHUN X OC: BOOK 1 [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now