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Variiya's PoV

I sighed with relief as soon as the Spear Bearers, Fishermen, and Scouts have driven all the thieves away from the water.

Bam, please be safe. I silently prayed.

"I'm getting off," I told Khun and tried to stand up from the blue cube I was sitting on.

"No, no, no," The blue-haired boy said and pushed me back down. "You're not fully healed."

"I'm fine," I protested, "My ankles are now just a little sprained. I can stand, I can handle myself."

"Wait, they're at the Queen," He covered my mouth, ignoring my protests and contacted Rak and Narae.

"Darn it," Cursed the crocodile. "Why are they coming out through some butthole- looking place?"

From what I saw from the Lighthouse, the Queen's body rumbled, secreting a green fluid. I gagged at the sight of it, shuddering at the thought of Rachel and Bam drenched in it.

"Why is there just one turtle?" Rak's voice trailed out.

My eyes widened, fear creeping up my spine. No, it can't be.

"Hey, Female," The crocodile shouted at Rachel. "Why are you alone? Where's the other turtle?"

She looked down, her face filled with grief. "Bam... Bam is..." Her voice broke, tears brimming in her eyes. "The Bull suddenly attacked... and he tried to protect me... and he fell."

Suddenly, I felt like my heart stopped beating. My lips trembled as it fell open.

"No..." I was frozen in place. First was Calliope's betrayal, now Bam was gone? I shook my head. No, this must be some cruel trick that the gods have played on me or all of us, is it not?

My eyes squeezed shut, Bam...

Khun was just as shocked as I was. I glanced away, forcing myself not to cry, not to look weak and emotional in front of him.

"The Turtle!" Rak yelled, distressed. "What happened to him?!"


I was sitting by myself in the infirmary, staring out at the sky. My foot was properly splinted, a bandage was wrapped around my wrist. Bam, this is the sky. I thought to myself. It's real, not just shinsu or anything, or that's what I believe, I just don't know what it is.

The Test Director announced that Bam was gone, and everyone was stupefied. We couldn't believe that our little ray of sunshine was gone.

Rachel fainted after hearing that, she would feel the most guilty, her heart must have felt so heavy. They were all discussing their plan to go up in her room. I lied back down, organizing my thoughts.

I like to look at the sky whenever I feel down, but just looking at it reminds me of you, Bam.

After the test, I haven't shed a tear. Not even once. I could not cry. My older sister, Chrysta, told me that crying was for the weak. She's true. People will pity you if they see you too. Crying is contagious, crying is for the foolish.

Then why did I cry for Calliope?

The girl was failed and was sent back home. I saw her off, a murderous look in her eyes as if she was telling me that everything was my fault.

I shielded my eyes away from the light. I wanted to go up the Tower with Bam, one of my first genuine friends. He didn't deserve to die.

I removed my necklace. For the first time in a long while, I stared at my family crest. My family has no official colors, sometimes it would be black and blue, sometimes it could be white and green.

MOON CHILD~ KHUN X OC: BOOK 1 [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now