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Astraea Grey

I got a lot of stares when I walked through the school halls this morning.

Well more specifically my hair got more stares. 

Maybe it was because my blonde locks was what you would say my trademark. Everyone associated me with the blondes and always stereotyped me to be some Barbie. But that didn't stop me from being top of the class. Anyways, I guess by the shocked expression and mouths that were agape they were surprised that I was suddenly a Burnette. 

Speaking of shock, my mom was to say the least shocked by my sudden change of hair when she saw me this morning for breakfast. Considering I didn't see her last night, this was the first she was seeing my new hair. 

I expected her to make a giant fuss and have a mild heart attack when she saw my hair. But instead she just stood by the stove, her hand was on her hip as she stared at me with her mouth agape for about two minutes until she shook her head and told me sternly "Did you have a mental breakdown last night that you thought to solve your problems with dying your hair".

I answered with a "No" before eating a blueberry muffin. My dad along with my brother just chuckled.

"Next time you go dying your hair, let me know first" She shook her head as she poured a red smoothie into a glass cup. "You're lucky the color looks good on you" She added as she handed me the drink.

My lips formed into a slight smirk "Thanks and Colton picked it out". As my words slipped out my mom looked at my brother.

"You knew?" She questioned as she started cleaning up the counter.

"Dad did too" Colton pointed at my dad who gave him a murderous look before looking back at my mom with a slight grin as he sipped his coffee.

I chuckled to myself like a complete lunatic from this morning and from the shocked expressions I have been receiving since I stepped out my car with Colton. I walked over to my locker, giving small smiles to the kids standing around in the hall. 

"Rae?" I turned around in a swift motion, my hair swaying behind me. I looked up at Hayden who mocked the expressions everyone in the halls just had. He lifted his hand to my face and tucked a lose strand of hair behind my ear. "I didn't realize the blue shit that blew up in your face did that much damage to your hair that you had to dye it" He lips formed into a slight smirk.

I rolled my eyes and scowled at him. He was being nice at first then became a jerk. "At least the color looks good on me." I stated while looking down the hall, then back to Hayden.

His smirk grew wider as he continued to look at me "Who said that brown looks good at you" He arched a brow at me before backing away and began walking away. I stood in the same position with my mouth to the floor. He did not. Regaining my composure and seeing that I looked like a complete idiot just standing by my locker with my mouth open. I pushed myself off my locker and ran over to Hayden. 

"That's just mean. I should report you to the cops" I huffed out as I caught up to him. Curse his long legs.

He shrugged his shoulders and looked down at me "I'm just saying".

I readjusted my bag on my shoulder "You're one great friend you know" Note the sarcasm.

Hayden chuckled as he pulled me into a side crushing hug "I'm just joking you hair looks good. In fact I prefer the brown over the blonde. You look extraordinarly beautiful. I mean you always look beautiful but the brown just suits you better" He continued blabbering making me laugh.

I gazed up at him "Are you lying" Hayden rolled his eyes and gave me 'are you serious' kind of look. "I'm just joking" I mocked earning an eye roll from him.

"How did you even managed to make that blue stuff blow in your face" He paused "You happen to be top of the class along with your partner" He voice laced with venom so to speak as he mentioned my lab partner.

I shrugged my shoulders "You know I fell asleep in class, I just didn't know what I was doing" I partially lied. I wasn't going to tell him the damn truth, he'll never let it go. Plus, he'll get suspicious. 

Hayden stopped our walking and pulled me close to him, staring into my face. I turned my head not liking how he was staring- it felt like he was trying to figure out the exact reason without me even telling him. "You were jealous" He chuckled.

Bastard!! Sometimes I wished we were never bestfriends because he knew me too well.







I rolled my eyes and looked down the hall and then back to him. "Fine, I got jealous because I know how easily replaceable I am. I know I'm no one special. And once you and Ginger Pubes get back together, I'm going back to being second best. I'm going to lose my bestfriend. Because let's face it she'll always be better for you than me. I know I sound stupid and ridiculous, but I just don't want to lose you to someone else." I stopped my rant and looked up at Hayden who was just staring at me in shock after my little rant.

"Rae, you'll never be second best. You're my bestfriend. For gods sake your like my little sister. No girl can ever get between us. And you wont lose me. I promise" He pulled me into a hug and held me tightly. I too wrapped my arms around his waist and let a tear slip down my cheek, because what he just said told me something.

I can never be nothing more than his bestfriend. His sister. And it made me realize I needed to stop chasing after something that didn't want to be caught.

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