~ Announcement ~

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Hey guys!

So that's it for part 1 of this story! 

But guess what?

I want to do a part 2 in this book.

I don't know how many people will want to see a second part, but I would love to write one. 

I have so many ideas as to where I can take this character but my main idea is to do this part two as a prequel! 

Basically, I'm going to tell to story of how Evelyn came into Tony's life and the story will be set in the events of Iron man 1, before Evie is captured and has powers. 

This will show who Evie was before Hydra and those powers, and the relationship that was lost when Evie had her memories taken. 

I'm planning on telling it through a storytelling perspective.

Told from both Evie's and Tony's perspective, as Tony walks her through the events in her life trying to jog her memory back, with input from Evie as she remembers certain details. 

Basically, Iron Man 1, but switching perspectives between the two as Evie begins to remember details, with commentary from present day them as they go along trying to unwrap Evie's mind. 

Do you guys like this idea? 

Should I do it? is it complete crap? Let me know!

Also! If there is anything you really want me to do, or something you want to see me include, please comment that as well!

I will be announcing any changes to the original idea when I post the cast list for part 2, if you guys even want to see a part 2.

I'm going to mark this story as complete until I see if there is any interest in the continuation of this story.

I really hope you enjoyed the story and I'm excited to see where this will go. 

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Stay safe, and as always, 



A Heart on Fire // TonyStarksDaughterМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя