5. More Than a Man

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We decided to leave the base right after the attack, we didn't want to be found by anyone who might come back looking for trouble.

It was my first time in 5 years leaving the compound, although in my mind it was the first time in my entire life.

It felt really good to get out. Walking down the streets. No handcuffs or electric shock collars.

Not to mention the sunlight. Staying inside all those years has made me very pale.

I didn't find it to be a very flashy city, like pictures I've seen of Los Angeles, or Paris, or Tokyo, or New York.

 It was dirty and the people on the streets looked tired. But it was their home and sort of mine too, so I respected it.

Plus, I've never been anywhere before, so who was I to judge.

I remembered how for a time, I thought I was a Sokovian native too. But my lack of an original accent proved me wrong.

The more time went by however, the more I picked up on the accent. By this point I'm not even faking it anymore. It's just there.

Plus, the only memories I have are from Sokovia, so I consider myself to be Sokovian now.

Who's to tell me otherwise?

Wanda and Pietro had a small place where we stayed, keeping ourselves hidden. We didn't know what the world would think of us.

We kept ourselves busy though. I spent a lot of time on the computer. 

I managed to learn a lot about the avengers, including all of their first and last names, where they were born, their abilities and talents, and more information that I probably didn't need to know.

In the meantime, I learned what pancakes are, and Pietro exposed me to his favorite music.

I've been living in a Hydra base my whole life. I have learned everything there is to know about technology. Culturally, I got nothin. I've basically been living under a rock, which isn't far from the truth.

Wanda was more focused on the Avengers than anything else though. She was more than sure that there would eventually be a sign for us. That Stark would screw up. So I looked everyday to make her happy.

And then I found it.

"Guys I got something!" I called out looking at my screen.

Pietro was by my side in a heartbeat looking over my shoulder at the message. "Meet me at the old Church. I'm coming to help you." Pietro read aloud.

Wanda walked in as Pietro was reading the message. "Who is this?" He asks.

"I have no idea. The message originated from the Avengers tower in New York City, but it didn't come from a device. Now I have no clue what kind of tech they have over there, but I'm impressed."

"Well let's find out who it is." Wanda spoke up.

"And how do we know that we are not walking into a trap?" Pietro complained.

"If it is a trap, they don't know half of what we can do. It'll be fine."

I nodded my head, agreeing with her. 

I had felt how paranoid Stark was, how afraid Wanda had made him, there was no way he could just let it be.

This had to be the results.

*     *     *

We left at dusk and walked through the city as the sky grew darker and darker. Even though we weren't using our powers we still got looks from some of the people. I guess a few recognized Wanda and Pietro.

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