1) The Break In [5/23]

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Y/N P.O.V.

Text Conversation between you and Zach

Rosey Cheeks: What are you doing tonight?

Y/N: Wow. Nice to talk to you again! How are you Zach?.

Rosey Cheeks: Hi! Now what are you doing tonight?

Y/N: Nothing, why?

Rosey Cheeks: Come by and hang out with me and the boys. It'll be fun.

Y/N: I've never met them though. And plus don't you think it's kinda weird for me to just randomly come over?

Rosey Cheeks: No, it's fine. Come over here's the address *enter address*

Y/N: OML. What time?

Rosey Cheeks: 4?

Y/N: It's 3:45?!

Rosey Cheeks: Get here!

Y/N: Fuck you!!!

Rosey Cheeks: You wish

Y/N has changed Rosey Cheeks's name to Fuckboi

Fuckboi: Rude!

Fuckboi has changed Y/N's name to Fuckgirl

Fuckgirl: That's not even a thing!

Fuckboi: It is now :)

Fuckgirl changed Fuckboi's name to Zach :(

Zach :( changed Fuckgirl's name to Y/N :(

Y/N :(: Okay well, I have 5 minutes to get ready so...

Zach :( changed Y/N :('s name to Y/N

Y/N changed his name Rosey Cheeks

Rosey Cheeks: Now get readyyyyy

Y/N: Okay needy

End of conversation with Zach

I started the shower and got in. The water was too cold, so I turned the heat up. It was much better. I grabbed the shampoo and lathered it in my hair. I rinsed it out quickly, and then spread too much conditioner around my head. While I let the conditioner soak, I shave my legs. Nothing says femminen like shaved legs. I laugh to myself as "What Am I" by Why Don't We comes on. I start to sway in the shower, when I slip and cut myself with my razor.

"Fuck!" I yell. I quickly finish shaving, avoiding my cut, and hobble out of the shower. I wrap a white towel around my body and walk into my bedroom. I grab underwear and a bra, putting them on. I then reach into my small apartment closet and grab blue ripped jeans and a black t-shirt. I put the jeans on forgetting about my cut. I slip on my shirt, ajusting it around my boobs.

I grab my converse (colour of your choice) and start to slip them on, then remembering socks.

"What the hell is wrong with my brain today?" I ask myself. I go and grab socks, slipping them on my feet. Finally able to put my shoes on. After accidentally tying my finger in the knot of my shoes, I get up and grab my phone, wallet, and car keys, putting them all in my purse. I check the time, and see that Zach has blown up my phone asking where I am.

"It's only 4:30, yeesh Zach," I text him that I'm leaving now. I walk out of the front door, and head down to my car. I unlock it and get in, buckling up, and starting it. I slowly pull out of my parking spot and start to head to the address Zach gave me. I almost get lost when I see Zach sitting on the curb, near a large house with a few cars parked outside. Nice cars.

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