⚠️Corbyn's Ending [6/11]

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Y/N's P.O.V.

("I've realised that I love...")

"Corbyn. When you walked in on me and Jonah drinking coffee at midnight, I realised that you were much hotter in person, and then I caught you jacking off, and then I wanted to talk to you about it, so I made sure we ended up in my car together on the way to the beach. Then we talked about it, and you told me how Zach,"

I turned my head to glare at him, "Told you not to do anything. It pissed me off, Sorry Lav! But then things got a little fiery and rambunctious. But then we started talking about our past, and you helped me through my panic attack. I think I've fallen in love with you, nerd," I shook my head, giggling.

Everyone laughed at my bad joke. Corbyn reached over and put his hand on my thigh. He rubbed it up and down. He took his hand away and grabbed his phone, unlocking it. He started typing something, when my phone dinged. I unlocked it to look at the notification.

Text convo between Corbyn and Y/N

Call Me For A Good Time: Can we get out of here. I'm getting horny ;)

Y/N: yeah. tell the boys in the gc :)

End of text convo

Corbyn winked at me and then we both got up. When we weren't in sight of the boys, so he smacked my butt, I gasped. He laughed, wrapping his arm around my shouldersz while we walked outside to his car.

Four Year Time Jump:

I watched from the right wing as the band performed. They were on their 5th world tour, and I was so proud of them.

We were currently in London, England. They were travling to new places all the time, and I was lucky enough to go everywhere with them. They were performing "Big Plan's" as their closing song, because it tends to be a fan favorite even after 5 years.

When they finished everyone cheered loudly through the crowd, including me.

The boys walked off stage and Corbyn engulfed me in a hug. He was sweaty, but I couldn't care less. I loved him so much and seeing him perform and be happy made me feel like the world was right.

He placed his hands on the sides of my face and kissed me. It was a passionate kiss, but then he ran back on stage and grabbed a mic.

"Hey guy's. Hold back for a sec!" His voice boomed through the auditorium. He turned towards me and gesuted for me to come on stage.

I did and everyone cheered.

"As most of you know this is my beautiful girlfriend, Y/N. I have loved her for 4 years, and I intend to make it forever, so on that note," he got down on one knee.

I felt myself start crying almost instantly. "Marry me," he said. I nodded yes and he slipped a ring on my finger. The ring was beautiful. It shimmered under all of the stage lights.

I could hear all the fans cheering for us. I smiled, while crying happy tears.

He got up and kissed me with force. It was amazing.

"You guys can go now!" he said into the mic smiling. Everyone started leaving so we walked off stage and towards the exit.

My phone was blowing up, I assumed it was because I was being tagged in multiple pictures and videos of our engagement. We walked to the tour bus.

Corbyn grabbed a few things and then we walked back out.

"Hotel?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows. He nodded, seeing the other boys and walked up to them. He told them where we were going and they all winked at me. I shook my head and we all laughed.

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