10)⚠️Beach Day Bitches⚠️[6/1]

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Y/N's P.O.V.

(He parked and we got out, walking to the door.)

I opened the door to the house and walked in, almost immediately yelled,

"Beach day bitches!" and started running up the stairs. First I ran into Corbyn's room and jumped on his bed to wake him up. "Beach day!" I yelled again. I could feel him shift under his blanket.

"What the hell are you doing Y/N?"

"Getting you up for a beach day, duh!" I said, flipping my hair up.

"Well, can you please go so I can get up without revealing my junk to you. I'm not Zach or Jack, no free cake," he said waving his finger in my face.

"Okay, but please hurry," I ran out of his room and into Daniels. Luckily Dani was already up and in his swim trunks.

"I heard you yell from down stairs and Corbyn's room. I'll be downstairs waiting," Daniel started to walk to the door.

"Hey, can you grab water and stuff for when we get there?" I asked him, leaving his room.

"Yeah," he said walking down the stairs. I walked down the hall again and into Jack's room.

"Hey, does Lav have a bathing suit? We are having a beach day," He had Lav in his lap bouncing her up and down.

"Uh, I think so. We'll be down in a few," he told me standing up.

"Okay," I closed the door and walked to the final room, Zach's. I opened the door and he wasn't there. I pulled out my phone and pulled up Rosey Cheeks. I clicked the call button and waited. When he finally picked up after about 6 rings, I imediatly bombarded him with,

"Where are you?"

"I am downstairs waiting for you to get your ass dressed in your swimsuit," he said, I could feel the eye roll in his voice.

"First off, don't be a dick. And second, I will be the slowest bitch in this house if you don't quit," I started to walk to Jonah's room to get changed, but the door was locked so I had to wait outside the room. "Okay well, I have to wait for Posion Lover to finish getting ready, but I'll be down soon," I said, hanging up the phone. I sat down on the floor waiting, but after my attention became focused on the house instead of my phone I could hear soft grunts from Corbyn's room. I leaned closer to the door and heard Corbyn saying something,

"Fuck, Y/N," I quickly relized what he was doing and felt my underwear start to get damp. I quickly got up and leaned closer to the door. I could hear his grunts more, and it wasn't helping my situation at all. I knew that now was not the time, so I just decided to pull my ear away from the door and knock on Jonah's. He pulled open the door and quickly scanned my body.

"I've been out here for like 20 minutes dude, what took so long?" I asked him, crossing my arms.

"I had to find the perfect shirt and bottoms," he said, sweeping his hand up and down his body.

"They don't even match!" I yelled. We both started lauhing and I walked into the room to my dresser. I pulled out a pink glittery bikini. I went into the bathroom and started to strip, once I was naked I put on my bottoms, and slipped on the top part of my top. But because I have t-rex arms, I couldn't get the back to clasp. I walked out of the bathroom holding down the front part, and walked over to Corbyn's room. I knocked and waited for him to open the door. He opened it and looked at my top,

"Do you need something?" He asked, averting his eyes.

"Yeah, can you clasp my top? My t-rex arms can't reach it," I said, I almost pulled my hand up to rub my neck, but then I remembered the status I was in and planted my hand firmly back in place.

"Oh, uh, yeah I guess. Turn around," He said, spinning his finger. I turned and he began to try and clasp it. The moment his fingers touched my skin I felt electricity. I decided to ignore it, seeing as I had developed feelings for him, Jonah, Zach, and Jack all in three days. And plus, Dani's cute, so that's not gonna help my situation. I could feel that he got it latched and so I turned around to thank him, but we were mere centimenters away from eachother. I could feel myself looking from his lips to his mouth, and I saw him do the same. He both started to lean in before Zach yelled,

"Hey! I can see you too, I'm literally right here!" We both looked at the top of the stairs and saw him standing there. I turned back to Corbyn,

"Thank you," I said, quickly walking down the stairs. As I was walking I could hear Zach,

"What the fuck dude?" I stopped on the stairs where I knew they couldn't hear me.

"I don't know what happened man. Don't get mad, she needed someone to clasp her top,"

"That doesn't give you the right to kiss her!"

"We didn't kiss," I said, finishing on my way down the stairs.

"Who didn't kiss?" Jack asked me.

"Oh, Zach thought me and Corbyn kissed, but all that happened was him helping me clasp my top," I explained.

"Oh," he said, taking his attention back to Lavender.

"I'll be right back," I said running up the stairs. I ran into Jonah's room and grabbed Jack's hoodie, slipping it over my bathing suit. I walked back downstairs and outside. I sat on the porch and waited for the rest of the boys to get out there. It took forever but eventually they all got out there.

"Okay, everyone ready?" I asked. I heard a chorus of "Yes". I looked around and realized a big mistake. "Uh we have to take 2 cars, Not all 7 of us can fit in one," I said rubbing my neck. "How about everyone rides in Jack's car, because of Lav's carseat, and me and Cornyn ride in mine?" I suggested pulling out my keys. Everyone agreed, well besides Zach. He was hesitant, but I convinced him. We all got into our respective car's and started to pull out of the driveway.

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