7) Coffee Competition [5/29]

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Y/N P.O.V.

("We should go check on the coffee," I say, getting up and walking out of the room, Jonah close behind me)

We tiptoe down the stairs and walk into the kitchen. I approach the coffee pot and check to see if it's done brewing. I see that it is, so I turn to Jonah,

"Where are your cups?" I ask.

"In that cabinet," he says pointing to one right next to the stove. I open it and grab a cup. I walk over to the fridge and put ice in the cup, using the ice dispenser. I walk back to the coffe pot and put in coffee, filling it up until there's about an inch and a half of room left in the cup. I go back to the fridge and grab a vanilla creamer.

"Who's is this?" I ask.

"Mine," Jonah said. I take it to my cup and pour it in to where there is only about half an inch left.

"Where is the sugar?" I ask.

"Right there," he says pointing to a jar that says sugar on it. I take out two spoonfuls and put them into my cup. I begin to stir it, when I think it's stirred all the way, I take a sip.

"Mmm," I hum. This was amazing. "Here you are," I hand Jonah the cup so he can take a drink.

"That's actually quite bad. How could you think that it's good?" he said, gagging. I grabbed my chest and pretended to have heartburn.

"How could you? How could you insult my delicious coffee like that?" I said falling quietly to the floor. After about two seconds, I spring up and grab the cup. I begin to sprint up the stairs. I stop at the top and Jonah bumps into my back. "Which one is Corbyn's?" I ask pointing in between two rooms.

"That one," he says pointing to the one closest to his. I barge into the room and see Corbyn scrolling through fan edits on instagram.

"Corbyn!" I practically yell. Corbyn jumps then lifts his eyes from his screen.

"I need you to try this," I say shoving the cup in his face.

"Okay, but why?" He asked.

"For science purposes," I told him, handing him the cup. "Jonah, go get your disgrace of a beverage," I demand.

"Yes ma'am," he says, walking out.

"This is actually really good, Y/N. What did you put in it?" Corbyn asks, taking another long drink.

"Thank you Corbyn. Now," Jonah had walked back into the room. I took the cup out of his hand and handed it to Corbyn. "I need you to try this, and tell me which is better," Corbyn takes the cup into his hands, and sips. "Now Corbyn, which drink is better? My delicious iced angel, or Jonah's gross, bitter, and lukewarm poison?" He takes a minute to think and then says,

"And the winner is, Y/N's iced angel!" me and him cheer, and then all three of us start to crack up.

"Thank you Corbyn for your services, off to the next patron!" I say, grabbing the cups and then leaving. We walk into the next room, which is Daniel's. We walk in and see a sleeping Daniel. Jonah walks over to him and shakes him awake.

"What's going on?" Daniel asks. He looks around the room and see's me. "Well, hello there Y/N! What are those cups?"

"These cups are full of mine and Jonah's version of delicious coffee. Now, what I need you to do, is tell me which is better," I said. I lifted my cup slightly higher, "My Delicious iced angel coffee," I lowered my coffee and brought Jonah's coffee up, "or Jonah's gross, bitter, lukewarm posion," I walked over to the bed and handed him Jonah's cup. He took a drink and grimanced a little bit. He then reached out for mine, and I took Jonah's. He took a sip, and then took another one.

"This one is far superior," he said, lifting the cup above his head.

"Haha! Another victory!" I cheered. "Thank you Dani for your service, you may now go back to bed!" Me and Jonah walked out and past Jack's room, we didn't want to bother him because of Lavender. We walked down the hall some more and into Zach's room. I opened the door and saw a crying Zach. I turned to Jonah and handed him the cups. "Take these back to the room. I'll handle this," I said pointing to Zach. I walked into the room and shut the door.

(A/N. I'm sorry this one is so short. I just got up late and wanted to put out some sort of part!)

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