12) She Can't Breathe! [6/3]

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[Trigger warning: Panic attack, mentions of abuse, and needles]

Y/N's P.O.V.

(Today is gonna be one for the books.)

Corbyn hooked his phone up to the aux cord and got on apple music. He clicked on a playlist and "Chills" started to play.

"Narrcasist," I said in a sing song voice.

"I'm not a narcissist, my band just releases good music," he said. He started singing along with the song, "Pull my hand close to the fire. Shiverin', I'm shiverin, I can't stop" I shook my head but ended up humming along. We both started bouncing up and down in our seats, so my car started bouncing. I felt my phone buzz, but I knew it was Zach asking what was going on, so I ignored it.

The next song to come on was "What Am I" and I freaked out.

"Oh my god! Saturday when I first came over, before my place got robbed, I was shaving while I listened to this song and I cut myself with my razor!" I yelled. Corbyn jumped.

"Okay, but why did you have to yell?" he looked like he had seen a ghost.

"Sorry," I started rubbing my neck again. I was nervous for multiple reasons, one being I thought he was going to hit me, and the second being I thought he would switch cars when we went back to the house because he thought I was too loud.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have reacted like that. That was a dick move," he said, looking at me with remorse.

"Woah. Never in my life has someone appologized for telling me I'm being too loud. Normally I was hit if I was too loud, so I went quiet. And now, I'm not as loud, but still loud," I rambled.

"You're fine," he laughed, "If anything, it's kinda cute," he said. I started to rub my neck again, but this time because I don't normally get compliments. "So, Y/N. Tell me about yourself. We've literally touched each other," he winked, "but don't know hardly anything about the other," he said, turning down the radio.

"Well, I'm 20 years old, my mom died giving birth to me, my dad died when I was ten, I lived with my grandparents until I graduated college, and then they died. I'm still friends with my ex, and I'm an aspiring writer,"

"Wow. I'm sorry for your losses?" he said unsure of whether the plural was correct.

"I'm better now, but the only loss that really matters to me was my grandpa. My dad and grandma were assholes. My dad hated me because he said that I killed my mom, and my grandma hated that I wasn't "lady like" enough. I was always too loud and opinionated for her. She was the one that hit me. My dad didn't physically abuse me, it was always verbal, but it hurt. I think it affected me today, but not as much as some people. I just don't like being yelled at. But, then again, no one does," I rubbed my neck vigorously, the memories of my dad yelling that I'm worthless and a murderer popping up in my head. I could feel the tears start to spill down my face, but I was paralysed. The memories had sent me into my fight or flight, and my body was shutting down.

3rd Person P.O.V. Omniscient

"Y/N? Y/N!" Corbyn was trying to get Y/N to respond, but she couldn't. Y/N couldn't move, and could hardly breathe. Corbyn reached out in front of her and grabbed the wheel. He had started to steer the car because Y/N couldn't, and he reached over to his lap and grabbed his phone. He unlocked it and dialed Zach's number. When his phone started ringing, and Zach picked up, Corbyn immediately started talking, "How do I get her to calm down?"

"What?" Zach asked, confused as to who he would need to calm down.

"How do I get Y/N to calm down? She's having a panic attack, and she's struggling to breathe! I can feel her heart racing, and I'm having to steer from the passenger seat. How do I calm her down?" Corbyn was yelling through the phone.

"Grab her purse, it has her inhaler," Corbyn shuffled around the car trying to find Y/N's purse, with no luck.

"It's not here!" Corbyn yelled. He could see Y/N's eye's start to close, and her face was going blue.

"Glove compartment!" Zach was extremely terrified and nauseated. She had only started to have attacks like these after her Grandpa had died, and it was very rare that she hadn't calmed herself down before it got this bad. Everyone else in Jack's car, besides Lavender, had started to worry as well, and it wasn't pretty. Corbyn had found the inhaler and started to speak again,

"How many?"

"Five!" Zach was frustrated that he wasn't there with her, when they went back home he was riding with her no matter what. Corbyn pried Y/N's mouth open and slipped the inhaler in. He pushed down on the canister five times, and watched as Y/N's face slowly returned to a normal colour, and she started to breathe again, but she still couldn't move her body. She was thinking more clearly and the memories had stopped flashing.

"Corbyn, needle in bag. Glove box," Y/N whispered. Corbyn didn't think she would need a needle in this situation, so he asked Zach,

"She wants a needle, do I give it to her?"

"Yeah, it'll wake up her body if you prick her finger. She fingured that out not too long ago," Zach was slowly calming down, but Jack was very nervous that the car would crash because Corbyn was driving from the passanger side.

Corbyn had found the needle and pricked Y/N's finger with it. She slowly started to move her hand, and then her arm, soon followed by her feet. She quickly looked around and put her hands back on the wheel, Corbyn was finally able to sit back in his seat properly.

"Thank you Zach," he said. His heart beat had slowed immensely and his breathing was getting back to normal.

"Anytime. And thank you for taking care of her like that," Zach said, hanging up the phone. "She is alright everyone!" Zach yelled through the car, but because he was a little too loud, lavender started to cry.

There was a chorus of "Zach!"'s as Daniel started to calm her down.

"Thank you so much Corbyn. You handled that really well, better than Ana ever has," Y/n said, laughing a little.

"Who's Ana?" Corbyn asked, confused as to how Y/N had become so normal right after something like that.

"Oh, Ana is my ex. Were still bestfirends though. She always tried to help me through it, but she wasn't very good in stressful situations. More times then not she called 911, and you can assume how that went every time," Y/N laughed at the expression on his face.

"Wait, your gay? But we-"
"There is such a thing as bi, nimwit!" Y/N couldn't stop laughing at the expression plastered to him.

"Plot twist?" Corbyn grabbed his phone and texted someone. Y/N didn't care enough to ask who. After another 30 minutes, they eventually made it to the beach. They pulled into a parking spot and started to unload from the cars.

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