6) Coffee? At Midnight? [5/28]

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Y/N's P.O.V.

We soon pulled into the driveway of the house, and Jack parked. We both got out and started to walk upstairs.

"I had a really great time tonight, well other than the creepo, so thank you," I said smiling.

"I did too. Jonah will be in the room in a second. Goodnight," he said hugging me.

"Goodnight," I walked over to Jonah's room and opened the door. I went into my dresser and grabbed a sports bra, and pj's and walked into the bathroom. I closed the door, locked it, and began changing. When I finished I went pee, again, and walked back into Jonah's room setting my dirty close in my bag. Jonah was on his bed, drinking a cup of coffee.

"Hello," he said.

"Hi," I gave a small wave. "What time is it?"

"It is 12:05 A.M.," he said, checking his watch.

"And you're drinking coffee?"

"Yes, do you want some?"

"Uh, I'm not one to drink coffee at midnight," I said, rubbing my neck.

"How often do you rub your neck, and is it soft from you rubbing all of the dead skin off all the time?" he asked.

"Um, I rub it like 20 times a day, at least," I said laughing, "and I'm not for sure if it's soft," we both started laughing. "Hey, has Corbyn showed up? I've been here for almost three days, and yet no Corbyn?"

"He's here, he's probably just asleep," Jonah said laughing. I walked over to the futon and sat down. I grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around my body. "So Y/N, tell me about yourself. The only people that have had a chance to get to know you are Zach and Jack,"

"Well, Zach has known me forever, and Jack and me literally just became friends today. Because he let me come with him to get Lavender, and then we went to the movies because we wanted something to do," I said. Jonah laughed,

"You don't have to get offensive. I'm just messing with you, anyways, tell me about you,"

"Well, I'm 20 years old, I'm a writer, I lost my mom at birth, and my dad died when I was 10, I lived with my grandparents until I moved out, and then they died. Um, I love music, and art. Harry Potter are some of my favorite books-" Jonah cut me off,

"Which is your favorite?"

"Uh, the third one. Definetly," I said, nodding my head. He looked at me and smiled, lighting up the room.

"That is the superior one," He said, lifting his hand towards me for a high five. I reach my hand up and give him the high five. We both laugh loudly. I jump when someone knocks on the door. I get up to open it.

"Jonah, if you're gonna- oh hello. Im Corbyn. You must be Y/N," Corbyn holds his hand out to me. I grab it and shake it. I move aside so Corbyn can walk in, and he starts to talk to Jonah,

"As I was saying, if you're gonna be loud wait until the sun is up at least, some of us like sleep. And is that, coffee? At midnight? Yeesh Jonah. Anyays, goodnight Y/N and Jonah," Corbyn said walking to the door.

"Goodnight!" Jonah and I said at the same time. Corbyn closes the door, and I go sit by Jonah.

"So, I told you about me, tell me about you," I said. He looked me up and down.

"Well, I'm 21, 22 in a few months. I'm in a band, you know that. I've broken a table, and I keep forgetting to restock our coffee supply," He tells me.

"Well, that sounds interesting. I hope you don't mind, but-" I cut myself off as I grab his coffee and take a large sip. "Do you not put any sugar in that?" I say, almost puking at the bitter taste.

"No, I don't need to, I want to taste the coffee,"

"Well, come with me, i'm going to teach you how to make real coffee," I quickly lift myself from the bed and walk downstairs. I can feel Jonah follow behind me. We walk down the stairs as quietly as possible, and walk into the kitchen. "Where is your coffee pot?"

"Right there," he says, and points to a slick, black, coffee pot. I go over to it and lift the lid. I grab the used coffee filter and coffe grounds and throw them away. I walk back and grab a coffee filter. I put it in then grab the coffee,

"Hey, where are your measuring spoons?" I ask Jonah.

"In this drawer," he says, pulling it open.

"Thank you," I say, grabbing a tablespoon. I scoop it into the coffee grounds four times. I then get 8 cups of water and pour them into the coffee pot. I close it and press "Brew Now". "Well, this might take a while, so we can go and chill in your room," I say walking towards the stairs.

"Technically it's our room right now. You do know that, right?"

"Well, it's still your room," I tell him. He opens the door for his room, and I walk in. I lay down on the futon, and he sits on his bed.

"You know, I bet your coffee is going to suck compared to mine," I sit up abruptly.

"It will not, iced coffee is superior to whatever sort of lukewarm, bitter, poison that is!" I say, pointing to his old cup.

"Hey! One, hot coffee will always be better than iced, unless it's a hot day, and two, it's not poison, it's delicious!" he says taking a long gulp of it. I pretend to throw up.

"Ew!" I say then burst out laughing. He does too, and soon we both start to loose our breath, and I start coughing. Jonah is immediately by my side,

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asks, very concerned. I clear my throught, and take a deep breathe,

"Yeah, I'm good. Can you hand me my purse?" I ask, rubbing my neck. He grabs my purse and hands it to me. I pull out my inhaler and hit it twice.

"Why do you need that?"

"Just in case something like this happens. Sometimes my lungs don't like to work, but I'm all good now," I say, putting the inhaler back. "We should go check on the coffee," I say getting up and walking out of the room, Jonah close behind me.

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