4) Jack And Lav [5/26]

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("Hey, It's all good. Just tell him what you told me. That you don't know what you want yet. He'll understand. Trust me," Jack said, rubbing my back.)

Y/N P.O.V.

Jack took his hand off my back and began to get out. I unbuckled and got out of the car, walking to the front of it, waiting for Jack to finish getting Lavender from her carseat. Soon he was by my side, and we were walking to the door. I opened it, letting him and Lav in.

"I'm going to take her upstairs and let her take a nap. You should go and talk to Zach," Jack suggested, hoisting Lav up on his hip.

"That's a good idea. Wish me luck," I said making my way towards Zach's room. I slowly approached the door, knocking before opening it. Zach wasn't in there, so I got out my phone and tried to call him, but saw that his phone was on the bed. "Damnit Zach!" I said. I walked out and towards Jonah's room. I knocked and he said,

"Come in!" I walked into the room to see that there was a futon with my sheets on it. "Yeah, I set it up. I hope you don't mind. And all of your clothes are in the dresser right there," he said pointing to a tall white dresser with 5 drawers.

"Thank you so much Jonah! I hope my undergarments didn't mke you uncomfortable," I said rubbing my neck, one of my nervous tics.

"Oh no your fine," he said taking a sip of coffee.

"Um, do you know where Zach is? I really need to talk to him about-" I cut myself off.

"He went on a walk to think about last night and this morning, he told me everything," Jonah laughed akwardly. I figured Zach would tell someone, but not Jonah.

"Oh, well, when he get's back will you text me? Here's my number," I said as I handed him a card with my number on it from my purse.

"Will do," he said as I walked out of the room. When I relized I didn't know which room was Jack's, I turned around and poked my head through the door.

"Which room is Jack's?" I asked, rubbing my neck yet again.

"Third one down, and is rubbing your neck a nervous thing or something? I think I've seen you do it at least three times," he says. I nodded,

"Yeah," I said and then walked away again. I knock softly on Jack's door, he opened it and invited me in.

"She won't go to sleep, so we're fine to talk. Anyway, did you talk to Zach?" He asked.

"Um, no actually. He's not here. He went on a walk to think things over. I mean, I understand why, I talked to you and that helped a bit. Thank you by the way for taking me with you. It was really nice meeting Gabbie, and finally meeting Lavender," I said.

"Is it bad to say that I'm happy your apartment got robbed, because I got to meet you?" he nervously laughed.

"I honestly lowkey- Shit!" I yelled. "Oh, I'm so sorry Lav. I forgot about my publisher. I have to call him and tell him to reschedule. I'll be back in a second," I quickly walk outside of the room, and speed downstairs. I quickly pull out my phone and click on the contact labeled "Publisher/Morgan" I click call and wait for him to pick up. He picks up in 3 rings.

"Y/N, why are you calling our meeting is in an hour?"

"I actually have to cancel. I know we were supposed to start the publishing process by next Sunday, but my apartment was robbed, and now I'm staying with a few friends. So can we please postpone our meeting until next Sunday?"

"Y/N, this is the only time I can do this. Be ready soon," He said sighing.

"Thank you so much Morgan!" I said before hanging up. I run back up to Jack's room and open the door to see a sleeping Lavender on Jack's chest.

"Awh!" I say before taking a picture. He laughs lightly before slowly getting up to set her in the attached room, full of toys and a crib. He slowly walks out, closing the door until it's cracked.

"Hey, can I have your number, just in case I need to get a hold of you for anything?" He asks.

"Yeah sure. Can I see your phone?" He unlocks his phone and hands it to me. I go to contacts and put my number in, I also change the contact name to "Y/N (Car Buddy)".

"Car buddy? So we're car buddies now?"

"Yep. If you ever need someone to ride with, I'm here," I say smiling. He laughs a little too loud and wakes up Lavender. "I'll get her," I say getting up and walking over to her room. I walk in and see her standing holding the side of her crib. I reach out to her and lift her out of the crib. "Hi Lavender!" We walk out of the room and towards the bed, where Jack is still sitting. I hand Lavender over to Jack, and she immediately starts to fall back asleep in his arms. "Your arms cannot be that comfortable!" I whisper-yell.

"Yes they can," he snapped back. He got up slowly, and walked back towards her room, laying her down again. With the door cracked just like before, he comes back and sits next to me, a little closer this time. "So, what should we do?"

"Do you think, like, Jonah would watch her, and we could go see a movie?" I ask.

"I mean I can ask, will you stay here and make sure she doesn't get up while I'm out?" he asks.

"Of course!" I say. He starts to walk out of the room and towards Jonah's room. I smile to myself. Am I really falling for him? Am I really falling for someone I've just met yesterday? I picked up the hoodie he was wearing earlier today off the bed, and smelled it. It smelt like him. I hear people walking down the hall, so I set the hoodie back where it was. Jack and Jonah walk into the room.

"He said he'd watch her," Jack says smiling.

"Thank you so much Jonah. We'll be back in no time!" I say as I leave the room, Jack grabs a few things before following me to Jonah's room, so I can grab my purse and phone. We walk out and down the stairs. We walk over to Jack's car and he opens the door for me. "Thank you my good sir!"

"Anytime m'lady!" He said, taking a bow. We both start laughing loudly. He closes my door, and walks over to his door. He gets in, buckles up, and starts the car.

"Should I look up movies?" I ask.

"Yeah, but make sure it's not something scary. I'm not up for that,"

"Wuss!" I say laughing. "But I don't like scary movies either, so we're all good. How about the new "Scooby Doo" movie?"

"That sounds good," he says, pulling into the movie theatre, and parking. We get out of the car, and he locks it. We walk into the theatre, buy our tickets, and go to the proper room. We find our seats, and sit watching the previews.

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