Prayer for Protection through your Eargate

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Precious Holy Spirit who loves me too much, me, your daughter/son (insert your name) pray this together with and to you. I thank you for your amazing love, you are everything to me, In my weakness you are my strength! I repent to you Lord Jesus from sin known and unknown, wash and cover me Lord Jesus with your Precious Blood, I thank you Lord Jesus for the gift of Righteousness you let me wear, give me boldness, consume me with Your Holy Fire and Your Holiness. In my thrist right now, overflow me with grace, love, peace and joy. Heal my mind and body with you healing oil Abba God. Hide me  Abba Father God, under your wings, annoint me with your annointing, me your dearest son/daughter (insert your name) Protect me your child forevermore from any strangers voice that claimed there from yours, burn this voices in my life Lord Jesus that claim to be from yours. Keep me away from any kind of form of temptation and lies that will keep me away from you. Whenever someone wants to lie to me, through my ear gate, cover my ears o Lord with your hands to not let me your son/daughter hear them, when their done talking lies, remove your covering in my ears, and when their lying again through my eargate, just cover my ears again to not hear them. Help me to distinguish your Voice God and from my soulish voice.
Keep Satan, or any religious spirits and everyone from the kingdom of darkness from opperating in my life, and let your Voice Lord Jesus who loves me much be louder than any other voices. I also pray to you Lord Jesus who loves her much for you to Be a thick wall of fire around me, let no one knows even other prophets, Christians, warelocks, witches knows Me your Beloved, Papa God the level of calling you have given me except You, whom you have chosen me for this future generation, let your will be done in my life no matter what, help me walk in the rhythm of your grace, to rest in you Lord Jesus and to not be in a rush or slow according to your perfect will and season here in the spiritual and here in the natural world, so that I shall move according to your instructions and plans. Increase and overflow your love for me, your daughter/son, remind me of the memories you've been good toward's me, In Lord Jesus Almighty name I pray, Amen.

Then Pray in Tongues (optional, only for those who receive the gift of tongues)

Author's note: There are many voices all around us, its important to have discernment from your voice, the demonic's voice, the secular (the world's voice) and Lord Jesus's voice.

After Praying this, Worship the Lord in Spirit and In Truth, with a Heart who longs to seek God. Read God's Word and let His Word speak to you.
Inside you will meet a Person, the Word is Lord Jesus.

Ms. Overcomer the Prayer Warrior [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now