Chapter 7: North Korea, South Africa and Indian Ocean

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Grace: Now Eli pray this to the Lord,

Holy Spirit, may you protect and consume me with your love as we go travel with you. In Jesus' name.

What do you feel?

Eli: As of pulled in my stomach.

Grace: Holy Spirit, transport Angela, and looki Here with us before we leave in Jesus name!

Eli: As my Spirit is lifted up my body like I'm coming out.

Grace: Are they here now? :)

Eli: Yes

Grace: I'll check your Attendance
Where's Angela? Tell her to me, present? Okay?

Angela: Present.

Grace: How about Loki?

Loki: I'm present sister.

Grace: Okay, 😊💕🙆 love you guys.

Hold hands.

Holy Spirit thank you for your love of protection with us, transport us to the country that needs the Gospel of Jesus, prayer, and help, in Jesus name.

pray in tongues you 3

What do you see?

Eli: I don't see but I hear North Korea. North Korea.

Grace: Pray to the Holy Spirit to give you boldness and consume you all with Holy Fire in Jesus' name.

All of you pray for boldness.

Eli: Ok.

Grace: Holy Spirit protects us from evil men who want to hurt us your family also in Jesus name.

Pray in tongues.

What do you feel?

power and fire.

Grace: Are we there yet?


Grace: While traveling. Eli talks to them about Holy Fire.

About what Jesus said to you about Holy fire.

Are we there yet?

Eli: As we are about to land we are checking an area with the people who need Jesus and those who are seeking Loki is sensing I and Angela praying in tongues.

Grace: Holy Spirit Give us the words to speak to these people. In Jesus' name.

Then Speak in tongues guys.

😊💕Jesus said Be bold.

Eli: For we have not received the Spirit of fear but of power.

Grace: What do you see? Are there people?

Eli: Yes a lot of people.

Grace: Just be bold 💕😊

Holy Spirit leads us, we need you all the time.

What do you see?

Eli: People moving up and down.

Grace: I prayed to Abba to send you angels there.

Do you see them?

Eli: Yes they are here.

Grace: Just focus on ministering and telling about Jesus :)

Eli: Okey.

Grace: What do you see? What is happening? 😊

Eli: Some clapping hands as we Minister bcz some of them is not their first hearing about Jesus some are like crying some as if they underestimate as they don't want to hear the message.

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