Prologue: Lord Jesus Shares His Life 😢

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Lord Jesus: "My son, Eli and daughter, Grace be ready my children."

Grace: "Okay okay, were gonna listen." 😊💖

Lord Jesus: "I lived on earth but some did not take me seriously when I told them about the things of the kingdom."

Grace: "Then Jesus?" 😢

Lord Jesus: "They fought me because of the truth I was telling them, they did not consider me as the Son of God."

Grace: "Yeah they didn't believe 😢 because they thought the messiah would be a great military leader.."

Eli: "I am listening and I am so interested Grace, Jesus I love you."

Grace: "Go on Lord, Your daughter is listening."

Lord Jesus: "You've got it my child... But I was not afraid of anything was bold filled by the Spirit of my Father."

"The things that I spoke, they were not coming from me, but my Father who sent me, they fought me without knowing that their fighting the one who sent me, they thought I'm taking chances."

Grace: "Its hard to see your loved ones not listening." 😢

Lord Jesus: "It's just a start of the briefing my children, deliver everthing now while you're living on earth because there's a purpose for you, and you must push and don't fear because I am with you, me and my Father, we are one.. If you see me you see my Father."

Grace: "Amen Lord Jesus, we will harken to your Voice."

Eli: "Glory, Glory."

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