Prayer for my Enemies

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My Beloved Almighty Holy Spirit who loves me so much, I depend on you more and more, I love you Holy Spirit because you love me much, In my weakness you are my strength, cover me with your wings and attach your heart that is full of compassion, forgiveness, Faithfulness, love and humblness yet with so much Boldness, and my heart attach to yours, My eyes be your eyes, your eyes be my eyes, those who have troubled, misunderstood, misinterpreted mistreated faulsly acused gossiped and all sort of things to me I forgive them, my enemies Lord with all my heart, May you open their hearts to open up to you and repent, and that they shall also receive the fullness of grace, love, forgiveness that comes from the gospel of Lord Jesus who have also forgiven me so much. For you Lord Jesus did not come for the righteous but to call sinners to repentance. In Jesus Almighty Name.

Ms. Overcomer the Prayer Warrior [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now