Chapter 5: You're Beloved Lord Jesus is Reaching out to you

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Lord Jesus: I am coming again. When I say again means I was here before you.

I am the Giver, I gave my life for you in order to live a joyful life, and I want you also to be the Best Givers ever on this planet as I will bless you as you teach good news to different nations.

As you go to many places to preach make sure you don't go empty-handed don't expect to receive only, be ready to give in order to get...

My people are destroyed because they lack knowledge.

When you give with a clean and pure heart. I assure that you, by your giving you shall reap and you will multiply.

Don't act as if you know everything.  Be humble, be a child in this kingdom and be thirsty to learn.

Whoever mentions my name to people, I will also mention him to my father in heaven.

I'm all over but my people do not realize I visit them in so many ways.

If you want to ask something you can ask from within your heart that's where my Spirit is in you deep down your heart.

I'm all over but my people do not realize I visit them in so many ways.

I visit some in dreams, visions text messages by birds, sounds, and by someone like them.

Sometimes I let him or her drop something. I need attention and he will just pass and move on.

Sometimes I would knock at their doors and think of ghosts or criminals.

Sometimes I will let their children cry. I'm in NEED of them and I can see they are far from me I want them to ask for help from me.

Some would come to their beds and they think of spiritual wives or husbands...My people perish because they lack knowledge...

Not everything that you do not see is from the evil one, I'm also a Spirit...

Why do my people think the devil's a leader!? I did not die, I only went up and I'm here by my Spirit. I the Lord have spoken and don't give strong food to children because their stomach will always see milk is good for them...

Some people I know that their hearts are hard as the head of a bull, they will not take care of what you're about to teach them...

And some things it's for your knowledge as leaders in order to grow into another level.
Talk to me my children, are you sleeping or are you shocked, amazed, astonished, wondering Thinking??

Be careful don't think too much, you will damage your brain don't use your brain for spiritual food.

Grace: We will only talk Lord, as you command.

I'm overloaded of everything you tell us Lord.. 😯

And shocked and sad at the same time.


*my mind is silent.

Lord Jesus: Yes my children, only your spiritual mind for spiritual food.

This is it for now my children, remember if you're faithful in small things, I will trust you even for big things.

Grace: We will carry out whatever the people can handle..until they want to know more and be a thirst for you for spiritual meat.

Eli: Thank you for these teachings, Lord.

Grace: Thank you Jesus 😊💕 we are excited through you Lord Jesus everything you say to us shall come to pass in this fallen world as we obey the small things you taught us.

Lord Jesus: Good day my children, now you may have time with each other but always be there for you anytime.


Precious Lord Jesus who loves you much-promised this to you! 😊💖

"And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." (Matt. 28:20)

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