Chapter 23: End's here

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Eli: You're not from God you came to test me.

Let us go separate ways please my sister.

Grace: Honey :'( 💖 I'm not testing you.

Eli: You're sent by the false prophets of this world and you will not win even if you know my vision you cannot not block it for God is with me.

Grace: My beloved I would never do that. Don't doubt me honey :'( 💖

Eli: I'm not the Holy Spirit, I'm Eli whom you say you love but it's a lie why do you search my life you magician.

Grace: *I'm speaking this to you my beloved whom Lord Jesus loves much 😌

And your my husband, don't push me out and accuse me of being a false prophet because I am not... :'(

Eli: I sent you the fire of the Holy Ghost right now.

Grace: I'm Grace Abba Holy Spirit's Beloved daughter whom Jesus loves much :'( I don't understand why your acting this way...

Eli: Who is your God?? Who is Satan to you?? Who anointed you? Who called you??

Grace: My God is a Triune God, Lord Jesus Christ my Savior. My God is the Triune God..

Eli: The Triune God in me is interviewing you now are you ready??

Grace: Precious Holy Spirit has placed in my heart to lead you ever since honey :'(

Eli: And I would like you to answer each an every question carefully.. Go straight to the title when I ask. What will be happening now is a test examination right??

Grace: Huh?

Eli: What will be happening now is a test examination right?? If you fail, then you fail to be my wife means we not meant to be together.

Grace: So your going to go against what the Lord wants for both of us my beloved? :/

Eli: What is bible?

Grace: Bible is the Word of God honey. 😌 The Word of God is Living and Active sharper that the two edged sword...Lord Jesus is the Word of God. It divides and distinguish the difference between your spirit, soul and body when You Read the Bible..

Eli: What is universe??

Grace: I'm not an expert, I'm only a daughter of the Lord who loves to learn and have fellowship with Him. The Universe is My Beloved Holy Spirit who loves me much :) is His World. Its made up of wonderful planets, stars and so much more 😊💖 its Abba Father God's Masterpiece...

Eli: What is the Throne... What is heaven?

Grace: The Throne is where A King sits and it represents a Ruler over all its People...

Like for example My Beloved Lord Jesus who loves me her daughter much, He sits on a Throne and He is the King of Kings forevermore, He sits on His throne governing and ruling His people 😌 I don't know much.. And I don't know everything.. Heaven is Where God's Kingdom is. A World of eternal Rest...

Eli: What is the lamb?

Grace: Don't doubt me...because Its the Lord who reigns in me..

This is the last okay? :/ the Lamb is what the Lord always refers us...Since I'm His Sheep I know His Voice and I follow My Great Shepard and He knows my Voice. The Lamb is use on the Altar of God...Lord Jesus is the Lamb...and the unblemished Lamb is what He loves, that will take away the sin of the World. Lord Jesus is the Lamb...

Eli: What is blood?

Grace: Okay, blood is where all life flows..

Eli: What is Soul.. Body... Mind... Spirit.. Heart..

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