Chapter 2: The Fire that Hurts 🔥

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Grace: Did you pray in tongues for 1 hour-2 hours like I said to you before.

Eli: I won't lie not yet. I did not.

Grace: Do this everyday, even longer, till you'll have an atmosphere where its all rig for you. Until you get this and apply what I said your not gonna experience what I told you.

Eli: Yeah I will surely.

Grace: And I'm just a pert, too young not even an expert 😊 but I get God's attention and He smiles.

I want you to experience that all the time.

Eli: Why do you love God, why do you trust him, what's the most thing that he did for You in life..

How did you experience his power.

Grace: Because I'm an outcast, I was a loner in my old life and nobody wants to be with me, I had no dad, but Jesus takes me and said, I love you, they may reject you but they also reject me, I choose you for my own.

And Jesus forgive me much thats why I love Him much.

I learn much and I was just listening and listening until i get it and I obey because I'm filled by Him.

Eli: Wow yes great nhe.. We're similar, I grew up without knowing my father I only see him on photos.

Grace: See...I don't feel Jesus but I have faith.

I don't see Him physically but I had faith and He gets my attention and He smiles at me. That's my God.

Eli: Yeah Jesus.

Grace: I have no fear. What can the devil do to someone who is not afraid of death anyway.

Eli: Wow nothing at all.

Grace: None. If that happends its promotion for me. Death where is your sting?

Eli: Wow God, Yeah Grace. I'm addicted to sex and I hate this thing.

Grace: I though you said you are not addicted to it anymore?

That thing will distroy you. Im telling you.

Eli: Oh my God. I am a married man but its as if I'm not satisfied.

Grace: You ask Jesus to set you free from that.

Eli: Okay Grace, do you have an experience of what I'm talking about?

Porn sex charts naked pics masturbation have you ever did one of them??

The worst thing is ever done is to send my dick to the ladies Yhoo Grace. I ask Jesus to deliver me.

Grace: ....

Do you want the Holy Spirit to let you know about hell? So that the fear of God restores within you?

Im going to give you a prayer and your going to pray it to the Lord.

Lord Jesus the one who loves me very much, I repent for all my sin known and unknown, wash me Jesus with your blood. Lord help me, break the sexual addiction in my life, may you purify my mind and burn that which is not you. through your blood in Jesus name, show me Holy Spirit a vision of hell take me there and restore the fear of God within me so that I may not sin against you in Jesus name. Amen.

Let me know when your done praying to Jesus.

Eli: I'm done, Thank You Grace.

Grace: What do you feel right now?

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