JADE [42]

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(Sunday) (January)


"WHERE ARE you taking me, Fredo?" I wipe my eyes as I look out the window. I've been so damn busy crying over a break-up that I didn't even realize that we've left town.

"To your daughter, madame" Fredo looks at me through the rearview mirror with a sad smile. I feel bad that he had to listen to me boo-boo cry the entire ride, but I couldn't help it. My heart is shattered into millions of pieces.

I hate breakups.

If it wasn't for that dang breakup, I would've never forgotten that I had a daughter. For approximately thirty minutes, I forgot that I gave birth to a little girl name Lehi. Even though I packed all her toys an hour ago.

"Do you know who she's with?" I sniff. I sound like a kid. Like a broken kid that needs its parents. I sound like Lehi does after she cries. I sound like I need my mom.

"She's with Miss Kiana, madame"

"Are you taking me to Ramiah's house?" I wipe my eyes again. I know I look a freaking mess right now. I most likely have makeup smeared all over my face, mascara staining my cheeks, lipstick on my chin, so yeah, pretty much a freaking mess. Unfortunately for Fredo, he's just going to have to deal with it because I trust him more than I trust an Uber driver.

"No, madame"

"Can't you just call me Jade" I whine.

He gives me a small smile again. "I feel much more comfortable calling you madame. I've respect"

"I've respect too, but I still call you Fredo"

"I work for your...er, I work for Monsieur Kevin. Not the other way"

I decide to not respond. It doesn't matter what he calls me. It's not like he's going to see me around anymore after today. Well, tomorrow technically. I need him to drive us to the airport.

"Wait, did you say that you weren't taking me to Ramiah's house?" I frown, his response just now registering to me.

"Yes, madame. I'm taking you to Mr. Kevin's house"

"We just left his house. And with all due respect Fredo, don't you dare take me back there. I don't wanna see him"

"Oh no, madame. Im taking you to his house. We've just left his condo. Mr. Kevin owns quite a few properties"

My response to that is a harsh swallow. Just hearing his name brings me pain and discomfort. How could he have done something like that to me? He'd rather hurt and lose me to save a bitch some embarrassment! She knew we were fucking together!

I bring my knees up to my chest and drop my face in between my thighs. Fredo shouldn't have to deal with seeing my ugly-cry face any longer.

"Miss. Jade, I don't know what Mr. Kevin has done, but I can sincerely tell you that he loves you very much. It's been four years since I've been working for him and he spoke about you every single day"

I look up and wipe my eyes for what feels like the trillionth time. "Have you ever embarrassed the woman you love to save face of another woman, Fredo?" I sniff again. My nose is so stuffed that it makes my head hurt ten times worst.


"Would you ever do something like that?"

He scratches his throat. "I've never. And I'm old now so I don't think I would ever"

"Do you have a wife, Fredo?"

He smiles a beautifully genuine smile that reaches his eyes. He doesn't even have to respond to me to know the answer. "Yes. We've been married for twenty years"

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