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~homophobic remarks, and raciest remarks~

kiyotaka ishimaru POV-

...dear diary...high school...was a mess...

'dear diary...i believe I'm a good person. you know, i think there's a good in everyone. but, here we are. first day of senior year! and, uh, i look around at these kids I've known all my life and i ask myself...'

"what happened?" i mutter as i walk through the halls. i hear kids shouting, and mange to make out a few words. 

"freak! slut! burnout! bug eyes! poser! lard ass!" 

i try to make it to the lunch room, and not be bombarded with insults. 'we were so tiny, happy, and shiny playing tag and getting chased' i thought as i made it around the corner.

"freak! slut! loser! short bus!" 

i sigh at all the insults being shouted. our high school changed so much through out the years. 'singing and clapping'  i continue to think as i passed students. 'laughing and napping'  i thought as i made to a small clearing. 'baking cookies, eating paste'  i smiled at the thoughts but then was bombarded at the insults. 

"bull dike! stuck up! hunchback!"

"then we got bigger, that was the the Huns invading Rome!" i sigh as i grab onto my arm rubbing it softly. 

i look down and continued to walk. "hooah!" i hear somebody shout. 

i look up at kazuichi and manages to stutter, "o-oh sorry!" i rush around him and continues to walk. 

'welcome to my school! this ain't no high school..' i look up with a determined look. 'this is the thunder dome...'  i sigh. i make it to the cafeteria, 'hold your breath, and count the days we're graduating soon!'  i smile as i enter the room smelling the food. 

"white trash!"

i grumble at the insult, 'college will be paradise! if I'm not dead by June...but i know life can be beautiful!'  i make it to the lunch line and starts to get my lunch. 'i pray for a better way...if we changed back then we could change again!'  i get my food and begins to walk to a table. '

we can be beautiful!'  i bump into a kid on accident and glances at him, "aye!" fuyuhiko shouts. 'just not today...' 

"hey are you okay?" i ask a little frantically. "get away, nerd!" he huffs and walks off. 

i stare in confusion, "oh- okay."

"freak! slut! cripple! homo! homo! homo!"

i huff at the remarks, and stops and stares at the ground my food still in hand. 'things will get better as soon as my letter comes from Harvard, duke, or brown! away from this coma...take my diploma, then i can blow this town!'  i look back up and continues to walk to a table in the corner of the room. 'dream of ivy covered walls, and a smoky French cafes!'

"watch it!" leon shouts. i can hear him getting closer...

'fight this urge to strike a match and set this dump ablaze!'  i thought as leon slaps the lunch tray from my hands. 

"ooooops!" he laughs. 'leon kuwata! third year baseball player...and eighth year of smacking lunch trays!'

"and being a huge dick..." i mutter.

 "what did you sat to me stank?" he says and looms over me.

 i start to shake, "aaaah! nothing." 

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