fight for me

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'dear diary...these two dorks didn't deserve what was coming...'

3rd person POV-

"lets go..." leon pulls on hiro and walks over to mondo. 

leon puts his hand on mondos chest and pushes him to the wall, "hey dirt bag!" he huffs. 

mondo doesn't seemed phased, and stares down at him. 

"hey what did your boyfriend say when you said you're moving to Sherwood ohio?" hiro says resting his arm on leons shoulder. 

mondo stays quiet and starts to get a little more angry. 

"answer him!" leon shouts and people now look over, "another fight?" someone mutters in the back. 

hiro and leon look back at the crowd then at each other, "hey leon doesn't this cafeteria have a no fags allowed rule?" hiro laughs. 

mondo pushes them away and narrows his eyes, "they have an open door policy for assholes though! now don't they?" he scoffs.

leon and hiro stare and in awe. 

the cafeteria goes silent as leon begins to charge at mondo, "what did you say dickhead?!" he makes a fist and aims his hit at mondos stomach. 

"i'll repeat myself then!" he grabs leons arm and thows him to the floor. 

hiro stands back as the cafeteria starts to shout and chant. 


kiyotaka ishimaru POV-

"holy shit!" i hear someone yell. 

i turn to face the commotion and heads closer to the fight. 'why when you see boys fight does it look so horrible, yet feel so right?'  i think as i stare at the fight. 

"he seemed nice at first but now he's a total bad ass!" kokichi laughs. 

i look as the kid wipes the floor, 'i shouldn't watch this crap...that's not who i am...! but with this kid...'  my eyes widen and i blush as the kid smirks at me. 'damn!'  i step back as the kid punches hiro across the face.

i could feel like the world sunk away, and its just me and this kid...'hey, Mr. might you be? and could you fight for me?'  i walk around the crowd and smiles. 'and hey, could you face the crowd? could you be seen with me and still act proud?'  i look at him and puts a hand to my face.'hey, could you hold my hand? and could you carry me through no mans land?'  i take my hand off my face and looks at it. 'it's fine if you don't agree...but i would fight for you...if you would fight for me!'  i look back up. i put my hand on my chest,'let them drive us under ground...i don't care how can set my broken bones, and i know CPR.' 

i begin to walk closer to the fight, and stares in awe. 'well, woah! you can punch real good...'  i flinch as leon gets knocked back once more. 'you've lasted longer than i thought you would...'  i look back at the kid. i could notice how determine he was to win...he wasn't even hurt...'so, hey, Mr. no-name-kid, if some night you're  free...'

the crowd begins to chant again and i come back into reality. 

i clench my fist, "wanna fight for me? if you're still alive...i would fight for you...if you would fight for me..." i mutter to myself as the claims himself as the winner.

leon and hiro scramble off in shock, and pain. the crowd stares at the kid in shock and monomi breaks everyone apart. 

"okay! enough! you to the principles office now!" she takes the kid up to the office, and as he's being dragged off he gives me a smile. i wave softly and nagito pats my shoulder. 

"you like him." he mutters to me. 

i flinch and looks at him, "i-I'm not...I'm...I'm not gay!" i stutter as kids begin to walk away. 

"yeah, yeah! i wont judge! here...lets go ahead and get ready for leons party tonight!" nagito drags me off and i mange to keep up. 


'dear diary...i wish i just didn't crave popularity...'

authors note: shortest chapter so far! shocking! and 'these' are thoughts! not speaking just to let ya know uwu

words: 683

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