shine a light (reprise)

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~suicide warning?~

'dear diary, what's with suicide?'

nagito POV-

i run into the boys restroom and pulls out a bottle of pills. 

i try to open it as i hear laughs and giggles surround me..."stupid child proof caps!" i shout as i try to open the bottle. 

the door soon burst open and kokichi and a crowd of kids storm in. 

"awe look nagitos gonna whine all night! you don't even deserve to live..." he takes the bottle from me and opens it. 

"why not kill yourself? here, have a sedative..." he hands me the bottle back.

"whine like there's no santa clause! you're pathetic because you whine all night!" kokichi begins to walk towards me. 

i back up to the wall and lets the tears escape my eyes. 

"your ass is off the team! go on and bitch and moan! you don't deserve to dream! you're gonna die alone!" he says as the kids begin to chant in the back. 

i close my eyes and takes some pills and throws them into my mouth...and everything went silent...


i look up to taka right in my face. he wipes my tears away sighs and takes the bottle of pills away. he then held his hand out for me to spit my things out, and i spit them all out into his hand. 

"...throwing your life away? that's the worse thing anyone could do at this moment..." taka says turning to the closet trash can and throws away the pills. 

i rub my arm and looks away, "what about togami? leon? and hiro?" i then turn back to taka.

"if everyone jumped off a bridge would you?" taka asks tilting his head. 

i hesitate to answer but then answers with a small head nod then a shrug. 

taka sighs, "if you were happy all the time you wouldn't be would be a game show host..." he says patting my shoulder. 

i smile and pulls him into a tight hug, "thank you for coming after me..." i mutter. 

taka hugged back and started to rub my back softly and muttered a soft you're welcome. we then unhugged and i ran out the bathroom waving to him happily.

kiyotaka ishimaru POV-

i wave back to nagito then sighs once more. 'thank god..'  i thought, but soon my thoughts were cut off by loud claps. 

"you're a genius!" mondo says peaking around the door smiling. 

i cross my arms, "you really had me worried with your little confession but you pulled it off! best place to hide! right in plain sight!" mondo walks in and chuckles. 

i shake my head slightly as he comes over and pats my shoulder.

"i wasn't trying to hide..." i say looking up to him with a blank expression.

"then why'd you have to go and mess with Mr. komaeda? one more dead bitch is a good thing!" mondo says taking his hand away and puts it in his pocket.

"he's my friend!" i say a bit more ticked off now.

"okay if he's such a good friend why let ouma live? the bitch who want komaeda to die! nothing ever changes!" mondo says and tries to continue but i quickly cut him off.

"stop with the change business!" i shout over him.

 mondo gets angry and we begin to fight back and forth. we both then went silent and came to the conclusion we will take this fight over to Mondo's house. 

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