blue + blue (reprise)

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~mention of sex~

kiyotaka ishimaru POV-

'dear diary, god i hated the word blue after this...'

"at times like these people choose to focus on their grief! well i hate those people, because i am a very positive person! i even still remember the good old when togami and i got kids blamed for...i can still hear those late night phone conversations-" kokichi rambled on and on about togami on every channel ever on tv! 

mondo kept switching channels but it was no was either kokichi speaking English or Spanish about togami!

"turn it off! turn it off...turn it off..." i beg mondo. 

he turned it off quickly and rubbed my back, he then turned his attention to the foot steps coming closer. 

"hey dude i didn't hear you come in..." mondo said getting up. 

i look over to another person who was standing in the door way. 

"hey bro how was your day today?" the man answered back. 

"it was miserable...some damn tribe of withered old bitches is trying to stop me from doing my shit!" he comes over to me and sits close by. 

"just like Kansas! do you remember Kansas?" the i think has to be takemichi...the one i heard about a couple times from mondo on the way to his house...

"the one with the wheat right?" mondo answers back. 

takemichi nods, "save the memorial oak society! show those tree humpers...30 bricks of c-4 explosives strapped to the trunk arraigned but acquitted, goddamn Kansas..." he sighs. 

i stay silent as the two bicker on over stupid stuff. takemichi then quickly takes notice of me, "gee mondo! i almost forgot to introduce my bro over here!" he points to me. 

'i forgot we had to keep being a gay couple a secret due to the homophobics out there...'

mondo hesitates to answer but does anyway, "kiyotaka...this is takemichi! the guy i talked about earlier! uh takemichi this is bro..." mondo says almost like he regrets to. 

takemichi raises an eyebrow and turns to me, "please taka is fine!" i laugh. 

takemichi relaxes back some more, "why takemichi! why don't you ask your little friend to stay for dinner?" mondo says walking over to us. 

i shake my head slightly, "i dad is making my favorite meal tonight! spaghetti! lots of oregano!" i get up. 

i start to head to the door but mondo grabs my arm and pulls me close to him. 

"oh nice! loving family? last time i saw loving family was right in my lap bleeding out!" mondo forces a smile.

takemichi gets a strange look and i pull away, "okay...well I'll see you tomorrow..." i say heading out the door. 

mondo and takemichi goes into a staring contest almost when i close to the door.

i begin to walk home and thinks, 'noted takemichi will not be speaking at our wedding!'


i get a phone call as soon as i sit onto my bed. i pick up the phone, "hello?"

"taka? i need help! im at the cemetery..." nagito begs.

"whats wrong?" i ask.

"just hurry up! please it's emergency!" nagito shouts into the phone then hangs up right after. 

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