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~suicide warning?~

kiyotaka ishimaru POV-

'dear diary, where is nagito now?'

"alright kids! i want you to share your feelings!" monomi says making everyone stand. 

everyone spoke at once all expressing feelings till nagito pushes to the front. 

"I'm killing myself!" he shouts. 

everyone went silent, and stared at nagito.

 kokichi pushes towards nagito, and looks up at him in anger, "what the hell are you doing?" kokichi hisses. 

monomi grabs monomi shakes her head, and holds her hand out. i feel like i was about to fall...mondo held me close as monomi tries to fix the situation. 

"no, no, no, no, no!  don't...stop're in a safe's just you and me and your classmates who love you! go on...share!" she pushes nagito out. 

kokichi huffs and glances at monomi then to nagito. 

"nagito get back in line!" kokichi says reaching for nagitos arm. monomi slaps it away, "zip it!"

nagito POV-

i feel like everything went black...i take a deep breath then begins to speak, " in love with this boy...who i think doesn't love me back...yet i still love him...and my friend seemed to have it all together, but he's gone my stomach's hurting worse and worse! and every morning on the bus i feel my heart beating harder and louder and im like JESUS! IM ON THE FREAKIN' BUS AGAIN BECAUSE ALL MY RIDES ARE DEAD!" i shout. 

my heart sunk as i knew all eyes are on me...i can feel kokichi...taka...even hajimes eyes on me...

i then feel water splash against my back as i soon realize im in a small little lifeboat...and kokichi, taka, hajime, and mondo loom over me...wanting to push me off...

"i...float in a a raging black ocean...low in the water...with nowhere to go...the tiniest lifeboat with people i know..." i hold my knees close to me.

 the wind blows against me and the boat feels more and more crowded...i can see togami, leon, and hiro...sitting with big grins...

"cold, clammy, and crowded...the people smell desperate. we'll sink any minute! so someone must go...the tiniest life boat with the people i know..." i manage to stand waiting for the ocean to drag me in. 

the ocean becomes more rough and everyone in the boat becomes more and more desperate and begins to push and become more reckless...

"everyone's pushing! everyone's fighting! storms are approaching! there's nowhere to hide! if i say the wrong thing, or i wear the wrong outfit! they'll throw me right over the side!" i felt like i slipped right off the boat. 

but instead everything goes black....i hear the ocean splash against the lifeboat and i look up to finally see everyone looking at me with wide grins...

"I'm hugging my knees...and the captain is pointing!" i tear up and sees specifically kokichi standing crossing his arms looming over me.

"well who made him captain?...still the weakest must go...the tinest lifeboat...full of people i know..." i look down and begins to sob...

soon i look up to the crowd of kids watching me...each with a sad look more sadder than the last...besides...him..kokichi...he looked pissed...

kokichi grabbed my arm and pulled me down, "whats your damage nagito?! are you saying hopes peak isn't a nice place? wheres your school spirit!? you don't deserve to wear the shools colors..." he smirked and monomi pulled him away.

"don't be mean!" she started to scold him before he pushed him away.

 he gets into my face and gives me the same cold...grin..."why don't you hop in your little lifeboat and catch a wave over to a school that would make you wanna actually die!" he laughs. 

monomi grabbed his arm and pulled him away as i run off to the bathroom...

kiyotaka ishimaru POV-

everyone begins to laugh as nagito runs off. 

mondo holds close and i feel my heart sink as someone points out nagito..."awe look he's off to go cry!" hiyoko laughs. 

monomi clenches her fist and turns to kokichi with rage, "you are suspended!" she shouts then turns to the cameras waving her free arm. 

"turn off the cameras! turn them off!" she shouts. 

i push away from mondo and walks up to monomi and kokichi separating them.

 i get into monomis faces and shouts, "is that all you care about?! tv cameras...?" i point to all the cameras. 

monomi sighs then shakes her head, "no i care about saving lives...kokichi ruined a valuable-"

"valuable?" i cut monomi off, "none of this want this spectacle to be experimented on like guinea pigs! patronized like bunny rabbits!" tears of anger rolling down my cheek. 

monomi lets out a small gasp, "i don't patronize bunny rabbits..."' she says.

i felt a cold presence behind me, "this is their big secret taka! the adults are powerless" togami says crossing his arms. 

i back away from monomi and looks down, "nagito trusted you..." i then look back up shouting, "YOU SAID YOU'D PROTECT HIM!".

"they cant help us...nobody can..." togami says walking closer to the darkness. 

"you're useless..." i mutter. 

monomi hesitates to speak but then walks away as small giggles can be heard.

"we're alone in the ocean..." togami says as i perk my head up and turns to everyone.

 "you're all idiots!" i cry out to everyone. 

mondo rushes to my side and tries to calm me down, "taka you should sit do-"

"no let go!" i pull away, "togami was a monster just like leon and hiro! they didn't kill themselves...i killed them!" i shout before falling to my knees crying. 

mondo stares in horror knowing we were both busted...

kokichi begins to laugh as others join in, "god! some people will say anything if they think it'll make them popular!" kokichi says smirking down at me. 

i don't hesitate to get up and run off not knowing where yet. 

mondo turns to see me leave, "taka! TAKA!" he shouts then chases after me.

'dear diary, we all floated in that boat...'

words: 995

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