yo girls

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kiyotaka ishimaru POV-

'dear diary, kokichi was a scum bag...'

"he's in no shape to sign anything after last night!" kokichi laughs. 

"what happened last night?" i ask dropping everything and feeling dread come over me. 

"you didn't hear? it was on the radio! he took a belly flop off a old bridge near by holding a suicide note!" kokichi said turning away with a evil grin.

"oh my god! is he dead!?" i say running to kokichi but something grabs my arm.

"only a few broken bones! just another geek trying to imitate the popular people and failing miserably!" kokichi walks off snickering

"yo boy, keep it together...." i turn to see leon gripping onto my arm. 

togami and hiro stood beside him smiling. i pulled away falling and looking up to them looming over me.

"i knew you would come far! now you're truly a antag...smell how gangsta you are" leon and hiro say as togami pushes into the middle. 

i scoot back till i hit a wall then pulls my legs close to me.

"Chihiro, im so sorry..." i tear up as i try to imagine that these three aren't here. 

togami smiles and stands over me taking off his glasses. 

"feel a bit punchy? he's not looking to well! still, you've earned these glasses come join me in hell!" togami laughs and i swipe at the glasses. 

i then look up to my dad making me stand, 'how did...i get..'

"where have you been? we've been worried sick! your friend mondo stopped by...he told us everything!" he said hugging me close.

"everything?" i look up and pushes him away. 

"your depression? your thoughts of suicide! he even showed us your copy of moby dick!" he holds up the book and hands it to me. 

i look through and i felt my heart drop. togami looks through it as well and smiles. 

"he's got your handwriting down cold!" togami fades away and i look back to my dad. 

"please, honey. talk to us!" my dad reaches out for me. 

i snap back and steps back into a wall. 

"no, you wouldn't understand!" i shout.

"try me! I've experienced everything you're going through right now!" my dad says trying to comfort me. 

leon and hiro stand beside me grinning, "guess who's right down the block?".

my dad takes a step towards me, "you're problems seem like life and death-".

"guess who's climbing the stairs?" hiro and leon continue.

"i promise they're not!" my dad reaches out for me.

"guess who's picking your lock?"

"you don't know what my world looks like!" i cry out and pushes past him and runs up the stairs. 

i can hear them in my mind as they stare at me running to my room. there grins were big and there eyes where completely black...

'times up! go say your prayers!'

"tala's running on fumes now! taka's totally fried! taka's gotta be trippin' on shrooms now! thinking he can hide! taka's done for, there's no doubt now, notify next of kin! taka's trying to keep him out now!" the three say as they stay at the bottom of the stairs.

 i finally make it to my room and opens the door to only see mondo standing there.

'too late he got in...'

"knock! knock! sorry for coming through the window! dreadful etiquette, i know!" mondo laughs.

 i grab his arm and pulls him out of my room. 

"get out of my house!" i slam the door in his face.

'dear diary, i could've been nicer'

authors note: 

sorry if its short! the song was short ;~; but now we are getting to the 2nd best song of the musical in my opinion! 

words: 618

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