our love is god

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~mention of suicide~

kiyotaka ishimaru POV-

'dear diary, did they really deserve it?'

i quickly drop by mondos side and help him sit up, "oh my god are you okay?" i ask frantically. 

mondo nods and wipes his nose. he then rubs my cheek, "what about you?" he asks. i try to hold in tears and speaks, "I'm fine...I'm...I'm so sorry!" i begin to sob. 

mondo hugs me close and lets me ball into chest. 

"they made you cry...but that will end tonight! you are the only thing that's right about this broken world..." mondo mutters and rubs my back softly. 

i glance up at him with teary eyes and he would just stare down the hall to the cafeteria door. 

"go on and cry, but when the morning comes we'll burn it down! and then we'll build the world again!" he finally looks down at me.  

"our love is god..." he mutters and tears fill his eyes. 

"are you okay?" i ask softly.

mondo stands up and helps me up. 

he nods softly, and takes my hand leading me to the schools exit, "i was alone..." he tightens his grip on my hand. 

"i was a frozen lake, but then you melted me awake!" he let the tears roll down his cheek. 

i stare up at him and starts to feel bad as i do. 

"see, now I'm crying to! you're not alone..." he looks down at me with his eye liner running down his face.

we face each other and i stand up tall and wipes mondos tears away. 

"you're not alone..." i repeated and smiles softly. 

he then pulls me away and we leave the school, "and when the morning comes...we'll burn away that tear, and raise our city here!" mondo says happily.

 we head towards my house. 

'raise our city here..our love is god...'


"yeah-lo?" hiro answers.

"hi, hiro, it's taka. how did you guys know it was a fantasy to be with mukuro?" i smirk and me and mondo try to hold in laughter.

"uhh, eh... lucky guess?" hiro said clearly eating something. 

"well...is there a chance you can meet me at the cemetery? at dawn? don't bring mukuro...i wanna talk about mukuro...just me you and leon...please?" i say now muttering into the phone with mondo on the verge of wheezing. 

i then hang up quickly and looks at mondo who is now laughing happily. 

"we can start and finish war!" mondo picks me up bridal style and spins around. 

"we're what killed the dinosaurs!" mondo stops spinning and sets me down.

i stumble a bit then falls onto mondo laughing, and looks up at him as we both practically. 

"we're the asteroid that's overdue! the dinosaurs choked on the dust! the died because god said they must! the new world needed room for me and you!" we stare into each others eyes.

mondo quickly breaks the silence, "i worship you...I'd trade my life for yours...they all will disappear! we'll plant our garden here! our love is god..." he goes over and holds up a bag. 

he then digs through the bag and holds up a gun. i stare in shock as he loads the gun, and holds it over to me. 

"woah. is that real?" i point at the gun. 

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