freeze your brain

172 1 5

~mention of drugs, and death and suicide~

kiyotaka ishimaru POV-

'dear diary...our first date...wasn't much...but i still enjoyed bits...'


i roll my eyes and heads up to the door, "yes togami...plain or BQ?" i open the door. 

"BQ!" togami shouts and i slam the door behind me. 

i head over a looks for some corn nuts. 

"BQ...BQ..." i mutter as i grab the one i was looking for. 

"greetings and salutations!" i stand up and turns to see the kids from before.

 i smile akwardly, "you wanna Slurpee with that?" he says holding up a medium size Slurpee. 

"no..? but if you're nice i'll let you buy me a big gulp." i chuckle softly. 

he walks around me once then heads to the Slurpee machine. i follow along quietly as he gets a refill.

"thats like going to mickey D's to order a salad!" he says sarcasticly. 

i place on hand on my hip and looks up at him. he looks down at me, and has a sly smirk. 

"slurpee is the signature dish of the house! did you say cherry...or lime?" he places his cup down and grabs another one. 

"i said big gulp...but i'll take cherry!" i laugh as he fills it up with cherry. he turns to me, and hands it to me. 

i hesitate to take it, "hey by the way i never caught your name..." i take it. 

the kid grabs his and takes a small drink then smiles. 

"i never threw it!" he walks over back to where we were at the start. 

i roll my eyes and take a sip of my drink, "names mondo owada. nice to meet you taka." he slouches back.

"so mondo...that thing you pulled in the cafeteria today was sever..." i chuckle nervously. 

he shrugs softly and leans against a wall. 

"the extreme always seems to make an impression!" he gives me the same look like every badass had. 

i stare at him with bright eyes then snaps back into reality. i shake my head, 'im not gay...!'. 

"so what brings a bottle air quoting badass like you here?" i ask trying to seem cool. 

mondo looks away and over to a window, outside the window sat a motorcycle. 

"my gang...we moved here after some difficulty with were we last lived..." he mutters and has a sad look. 

i give him a comforting look and stares at the motorcycle outside. 

"everyone's life has some static..." i say before i can hear a faint scream. 

"TAKA!" togami screams. 

i give an awkward look, 'Jesus'. 

" so called friends! i don't really like them..." i point over to togamis car outside. 

mondo laughs, "i don't really like them either! back the party hang here..." he turns to me and he try's to act smooth. 

i rub my neck awkwardly, "at the 7-eleven?".

"hey i love this place!" mondo stands up and bends over getting close to my face.

"no offense, but why?" i push him back a little. 

the antagonist  ~ishimondo~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt