dead girl walking

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~NSFW (sex)~

kiyotaka ishimaru POV-

'dear diary, why did i even remember this?'

i head out to the street, and stares at the house. 

"the demon king of high school decreed it...he says Monday, 8 am i will be deleted." i begin to walk down the road. 

i can feel the wind blow against my skin and i shake a bit, "they'll hunt me down in study hall! stuff and mount me on the wall...".

i look up at the moon and continue to walk down the street. 

"thirty hours to shall i spend them?" i ask myself. 

i begin to think to myself. 'i don't have to stay and die like cattle...i could change my name and drive up to Seattle! but i don't own a motor bike...'.  i hear motorcycles roar behind me and i smirk softly. 'wait, here's an option that i like! spend these thirty hours gettin' freaky!'  i begin to run. 

"i need it hard, im a dead boy walking!" i mutter as i come up to a house. 

i walk through the yard and stretches, "'I'm in your yard, I'm a dead boy walking..." i walk over to a window. 

'before they punch my clock...'

"im snappin' off your window lock!" i open the window and climbs inside. 

mondo looks up and over to me in shock. 

"got no time to knock I'm a dead boy walking!" i laugh. 

mondo sits up and gets a awkward grin, "taka? what are you doing in my room?". 

i walk over and climbs onto the bed. 

he leans back as i get closer to his face, "shhhhhh sorry, but i really had to wake you! see, i decided i mist ride you 'till i break you!".

'i would never do this...but it felt right...', i think, "'cause togami says i gotsta go! you're my last meal on death row..." i put a finger to his mouth and slowly move it down.

"shut your mouth and lose them tighty whiteys...come on!" i laugh. 

mondo nods and begins to do as i ask, and i can feel a voice in the back of my mind telling me to stop. 'stop...stop your not like this...'  the voice said, but i continued.

"tonight I'm yours! I'm your dead boy walking!" i shout, "get on all fours! kiss this dead boy walking!".

 mondo had a clear interesting on how I'm acting,  'your a guy...going down on another stop!'  my mind rambles on. 

i was prepared, "let's go, you know the drill! I'm hot, and pissed, and on the pill! bow down to the will...of a dead boy walking!".

mondo flips us around, and pins me down. i smile, and stare into his eyes as he begins to take my clothes off for me. 

"And you know, it's cause you're beautiful! you say you're numb inside, but i cant agree..." i say softly as mondo stares back. 

mondo grows a smirk, "so the world's unfair? keep it locked out there! in here it's beautiful....let's make this beautiful!" i shout and nods.

mondo knows exactly what it was for and begins the next sequence, "that works for me!".

(please im not good with smut >~< im asexual and usually write fluff .3. and dick and penis is not going to be used!)

he goes down, and begins to bite my neck. he leaves marks here and there. he then makes his way to my chest then goes up smiling at me.

"yeah! full steam ahead take this dead boy walking!" i laugh as mondo adjust his self.

"how'd you find my address?" he asks bit confused and worried.

"let's break this bed! rock this dead boy walking!" i shout as mondo slams into me.

i let out loud moans as he thrusts back and forth. then a soft noise can some how be heard over my moans. mondo slows down a bit worried at the noise.

"i think we tore my mattress!" he pulls out and tries to investigate. 

i stop him and makes him face me, "no sleep tonight for you! better chug that mountain dew!" i shout and points over to the soda.

"okay okay!" mondo says a bit worried.

"get ass in gear! make this whole town disappear!" i let go of his face.

"okay okay!" mondo agrees and pushes back into me. 

he thrusts back and forth as well as moving his hands all over my body.

"slap me, pull my hair! touch me there~!" i moan out. 

mondo continue to move his hands all over me. 

he opens his mouth to speak, "no more talking! love this dead boy walking!" i silent him.

he continues to thrust, "yeah! yeah! ye- OUCH!" he yelps.

(that was so unsettling to write istg i hate this T~T)

~time skip to 4:30 am~

i sit up and looks over to the door seeing them..."hello slut!" togami laughs. 

i grab the blanket and pulls it up a little more, "how'd you get in here?". 

the three laugh as i stare in shock, i then look to mondo who was still asleep then back to them. 

"I'm like oxygen! I'm everywhere!" togami places his hands on his hips, "really taka? sleeping with psycho trench coat kid? i will crucify you for this! everyone in school is gonna know that good little kiyotaka ishimaru is nothing, but a dirty whore!" he rants. 

i can feel tears form in my eyes, "why are you so determined to hurt me!".

"because i can! it'll be so very...." togami chuckles as i hear echo's of kids repeating very over and over again. 

i sit up in a shock and screams as loud as i can, "taka!" mondo says in a panic and sitting up as well. 

he wraps and arm around me and pulls me close. 

"your soaking wet!" he says frantically, 

"i-it was just a dream!" i mutter and pulls out of mondos grasp. 

i get out of bed and begins to get ready, "what's the rush?" mondo asks. 

i stumble a little and looks over at him, "i gotta get to togami's!" i try to say with out stuttering. mondo had a clear annoyed face and rolled his eyes. 

"why? you said you were down with togami!" he grumbles, "yeah and it wad a sweet fantasy...a world without togami! a world with out everyone is free!" i jokingly say. 

i put my boots on and looks begins to mumble off, "but now it's morning and i have to go kiss his a robotized ass...".

mondo gets up and begins to put on his stuff, "well let me come with!" he says his tone cheering up. 

i stand up and stares at him directly in the eyes as he throws on his coat, "really?" i ask. 

he shrugs slightly, "you know for backup!".

i go silent and looks away then looks back with a grin, "okay! thanks!" i go over to him and gives him a small kiss on the lips. 

as i pull away he wraps an arm around me and leads me out his door. 

"oh by the way were my first!"

'dear diary, and my last...'

authors note: holy shit i hate writing this T~T and to be honest i wouldn't mind if you hate it to :,) this chapter shall be the cursed one ("and hot and pissed and on the pill" line i didn't know how to change :<)

words: 1241

the antagonist  ~ishimondo~Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu