Chapter 17

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Art went by without any fuss. I was lucky enough to have Austin in this class and Natalie in none. We painted on these huge canvasses. It was pretty cool. I just threw paint on it though.

The final bell rang longer than the others and I got up. Austin followed me out and we talked about how funny lunch was today. I was starting to hang out with him more than I did with Alice, which scared me a bit. I didn't want to loose her friendship because of a new friend.

The lipstick on my locker was now fully gone thanks to the janitors. The dent in the locker beside me was still there though. Looks like they hadn't tried to fix that...

I packed my homework from math and grabbed my bag to drive home. I said goodbye to Austin and he went to his own locker. He had his own car so I didn't offer him a ride.

Outside was warmer than usual. Not that I minded, I preferred the heat actually, it's just that I found the weather in Ontario a bit strange.

My car was waiting for me and thanks to the automatic start button, was already air conditioned. I settled into the seat and chucked my bag in the back.

I pulled out of the parking lot and started to drive home. I had just passed the halfway point when I started to get suspicious of the black car behind me. To test my theory, I turned into a parking lot and did a big circle as if I was looking for an open space. I'd driven by a bunch but they still continued to follow me. I narrowed my eyes.

"You want to play this game huh? Well, I can play too," I jammed the gas pedal down and my car lurched forward. I drove through an intersection that thankfully had no cars. The one behind me picked up the pace just like I though it would. I growled at how stupid this was. Whoever was in that car was going to get it.

I drove all the way out to a country road and pulled over. The car did the same. I got out and stood my ground beside my door, calling forth ice to my finger tips. Slowly, the mystery car's door opened and a man in a suit and sunglasses got out, looking like someone from The Matrix. He was a person from the facility no doubt. Time to play dumb.

"Why in the world are you following me?" When the man took a step forward I got defensive. "I have mace in here, so don't you dare take another step!" I made a move like I was going to grab it from the car. He stopped and spoke.

"I'm looking for a girl named Charisma Jones, she is wanted by the government for a felony. We had reason to believe that you knew her. Do you?" His voice matched his look perfectly. Dark and creepy.

"Um. I think she goes to the school on the other side of town," I lied through my teeth. I'd gotten pretty good at it though while stuck in the facility. "Wait-did you say felony? She's not safe to be around then! Is she going to kill people?" I tried my best to look scared. Sure I'd mastered lying with my eyes and words but not so much with my expressions. "And why are you suspecting me?! I didn't do anything!"

"She's not known to be dangerous for killing anyone. Thank you for your cooperation miss. If I could get your ID then we can be done here," crap. The only ID I have is Charisma Waters. Not suspicious at all! Gosh dang it.

"Umm. It's not on me at the time," I hoped he believed the lie.

"Really. I could charge you for driving without any," it was evident by the tone in his voice that he wasn't going to do that. He just wanted a reaction from me.

"Please don't! I don't have the money to pay it," I was having an inner battle over whether I should shoot an icicle through this guys heart or just act dumb and hope he left.

"I'm sorry Ms. but I'll have to, unless you show me your ID," she took another step towards me and I reached in my car for my 'mace'.

"I told you don't come any closer! If you take another step I won't hesitate to mace you! Facility agent or-" I covered my mouth with one hand. Are you freaking kidding me? How could I be so stupid!

"That's all the conformation I need," he grinned and went to take another step forward. Before he could get any closer I held my palm out right at him. He laughed. He laughed at me. Did they not tell him who I was!?

"Where's your mace now?" I curled my lip when he grinned. It wasn't friendly. It was more like a shark.

"This is all I need," I raised my eyebrows and formed an icicle before I shot it at him.

I guess my aim was off because the knife-like ice clipped him above his heart and not in it. He cried out and clutched his now bleeding shoulder. I readied my hand and shot another, this time hitting my target. He fell to the gravel, his eyes staring in the clouds with a glass look to them.

I almost wished that I could of told him that he was very dumb for laughing at me, but I'd rather not take the time.

Now. How in the world do I get rid of a body?

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