Chapter 5

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You bring you attention to this massive ship landing not to far from the stage. the door opens and this thin yet muscular woman steps out. "We are the destroyer of planets, here to take what's ours, either give it up peaceful or we'll happily take it forcefully." Her tone was calm yet sharp. You look to see Loki's expression, he was angry but he put on a calm face.
"Maybe we can work something out," Odin said calmly. Why is everyone so calm you couldn't help but wonder. You saw as the woman's face went from calm to a sly smile. "I see...well that's to bad," she snapped her fingers and Warriors in dark red and black armor charged out of the ship. A few guards quickly escorted the king and queen into the castle.
"Y/N you need to get out of here!" Thor yelled. You opened your hand as a sword appeared in your grasp. "I'm not going anywhere."

|Loki POV|
She...she knows magic. But how is this possible? She's a simple
Asgarden. A peasant. She shouldn't know magic. What if she isn't from Asgard. Who is she? Does Thor know about this?
I took out my daggers and help fight off theses pesky warriors.
Y/n looks like she's had training. Her form is incredible. It's as if she's dancing while she fights, it was interesting to glance at between fights.

|Normal POV|
You duck as a warrior swings there sword at you. You kick there legs causing them to fall. Lift your sword up getting ready to finish them off. You feel a tight squeeze on your wrist and your feet are off the ground. One of the taller and bigger warriors have you in his grasp. You try to kick and punch at him but his grip gets tighter.
"THOR! HELP!" You shout hoping he hears. The other warrior stand up with there sword in hand and stabs you in the lower back. Loki heard your cry for help, and starts running towards you. He quickly kills the warrior who had stabbed you. He cuts the hand of the bigger warrior causing him to drop you. A few others guards come to help Loki. You try to get up but you can't seem to stand. Things slowly starts to fade into black.


Your eyes fluttered as you heard people talking. "LADY Y/N! Are you alright," that was clearly the voice of Thor. You opened you eyes to see Thor and Frigga standing by the bed. "Where am I?" You asked weakly. "I figured it would be better if you stayed with us in the castle while you healed." Frigga's soft voice calmed you. You tried to get up but a sharp pain in your back and stomach made you lay back down. "Take it easy Lady Y/n you were hurt pretty bad."

You lift your arm only to see a bandage around your wrist. You gridded your teeth feeling the sharp pain again. "Is there anything I can get for you dear?" Frigga asked. You thought for a moment "a few books will be nice," you gave her a weak smile. She nodded and left, leaving Thor to talk to you. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there in time," Thor clenched his fists "I could have prevented you from getting hurt." You look at his guilty face, it wasn't his fault.

"Thor it's ok, I should have been paying attention like you taught me. I guess I just got caught up in the moment."
Thor chuckled, "glad you remembered your training, If you excuse me I have some business to attend to. You should get some rest Lady Y/n."  You gave him a weak smile as he left. You couldn't believe this, your laying in bed in the castle. Granted you didn't look your best but who cares.


There was a knock at your door. You were half asleep but responded anyway. "Come in" the door slowly opening and the raven haired prince walked in. He had a stack of books in one hand a bowl of soup in the other. "Mother requested I brought you these." You smiled feeling a bit nervous. you never knew why he made you feel so nervous "thanks you can just set them on the desk." He placed the items on the desk, "Y/n, who are you?"  He asked not facing you. This was unexpected, and made you kinda confused.
"I'm sorry what?" He turned to look at you "who are you? I saw the whole sword magic. What are you? Where are you from? An every day peasant shouldn't know magic" This made you angry, he had no right asking you all these questions. "Excuse me, what give you the right to ask me all these questions? What give you the right to degrade me by calling me an everyday peasant" You slowly sat up. "I am Prince of Asgard, I have the right to ask you whatever I want. Now answer me, who are you?" You gritted your teeth, you glared at him "Get out." You said coldly with a glare. Loki shared the glare.

"This is my castle I can easily send you back to your little hut." You moved to fast cause the sharp pain to return. You clenched your stomach. Loki didn't mean to cause your pain to get worse. "Get out!" You said in anger. Loki left not wanting to be blamed for your pain. You sat in bed with anger and confusion. You make sure Thor hears about this rude intrusion.

|Y/n POV|
How dare he mock your house and does he really just see you as an everyday peasant. Of course he does, he's a prince and I'm just a dancer. He makes me so nervous, and I don't even know why. Could it be his height? Or maybe it's the cold stare he has. Whatever it is I'm not sure I like it. After what he said I don't want to see or hear of him. Thor is going to be so angry when he hears about this.

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