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"Baby, I'm back!" Sunstreaker yelled as he came into my house.

"I'm in the room!"

Sunstreaker walked into my room and laid beside me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer into his chest. I hummed and wrapped my arms around him laying my head on his chest. He kissed my forehead softly and closed his eyes.

"How was your day?" I asked.

"Those fucking fleshbags won't stop getting in my way." He growled.

"What happened baby?"

"During combat training this one fleshbag got in the way while I was shooting at the targets and got a bullet the the shoulder." He explained.

"Oh that's his fault for being in the way." I said.

"I know that's what I was saying." He said.

"Well did you hit all the targets."

"You know I did." He said proudly.

"Arrogant piece of metal." I smirked

"But I'm your arrogant piece of metal." He purred.

"I know baby." I said.

He pulled me closer nuzzling into my neck. I hummed and snuggled deeper into him. He hummed and planted soft sweet kisses up and down my neck.

"Hey Sunny, I found a college that's not to far from here. It's only like a few blocks away from base and I was thinking about going since it's really close and we can still be together." I said.

"You wanna go?" He asked a bit angry.

"Yes, I wanna resume my education and it's really not that far. I picked that college because you know how you are and we can still be near each other." I said.

"Ok, I know you wanna resume your education and it is not my right to tell you otherwise." He said.

"Thank you Sunny." I said hugging him.

"Anything for you baby." He said hugging me back.

He pulled me in for a kiss. He slid his tongue into my mouth. He pulled me in closer deepening the kiss. We pulled away looking into each other eyes.

"I love you Sunstreaker."

"I love you too baby."

Sunstreaker oneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang