So slowly(flmut)

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So this is a flmut (fluff and smut)

I listen to my teacher rant respect and how we don't show respect to anyone. Wtf you don't even give a fuck about us, you rarely teach shit. So what do you mean. I sighed looking out the window. I so deep in though I didn't even hear my teacher calling my name.

"Sinister!" She yelled in my ear.

I slowly turned around with a blank expression on my face.

"Yes." I said dully.

"Are you even listening to me?!" She asked.

"You said stuff about how we don't show respect and we are old enough to be responsible and blah blah." I said rolling my eyes.

She just looked at me in shock. "Go to the principal office."

"I didn't even do anything!" I shouted.

"I don't care go!" She yelled.

She wrote the pass. I snatched it out of her hand and slammed the door and stormed down the hall. I felt the tears spill in my eyes as I made my way to the principal office.  I flopped in the chair facing my principal. She turned looked at me and sighed.

"Sinister, this is the third time this month you've been in my office." She said softly.

"I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I do the assignments, try to get good grades, I try to behave, but it seems like she hates me." I cried.

"Sinister, I already know your situation sweetie. Don't worry I believe you." She said patting my shoulder.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"You are such an amazing girl. I know what's going on. The death of your parents at 10 years old, Turing to the streets. Stealing from people. I know all about it, but you've managed to pull through and better yourself. For that I am proud and I think you can go anywhere." She said.

I cried and hugged her. She softly rubbed my back.

"You can leave early. Call your boyfriend to come pick you up." She said.

I nodded. I dialed Sunstreaker's number.

"Hello." He said.

"Hey Sunny can you come pick me up. My principal said I could leave early." I said.

"I'll be there in 5 minutes." He said.

"Ok bye." I hung up and walked back to my class with the principal to gather my stuff.

"Where are you going?" The teacher asked.

"Leaving." I said.

Uh no you're not. I haven't dismissed you!" She shouted.

"You didn't. I did." The principal said walking into the classroom.

"Get your stuff Sinister." She said.

"Line up and follow me." She said to class. They all walked out into the entrance of the school.

A golden Lamborghini pulled up and Sunstreaker walked out to me. Everyone was shocked. Sunstreaker saw the tear streaks on my face.  He pulled me rather roughly into his chest. I let the tears stream down my face.

"Just take me home please." I cried.

He picked me up and took me back to his alt and drove back to the house. I walked into the bathroom and took a shower. I dried myself off, put some moisturizer on, and put my pajamas on. I thought about my mom. She died when I was 10. She was just like me but different. I was different. Nothing about me was normal. I had dark purple eyes and midnight black hair with permanent purple streaks in it. I had golden brown skin that glistens in the sunlight. My body has a natural glow to it. I get called ugly a lot. Ratchet always told me they call me ugly because they're jealous of me. Overtime their words began to slowly sink into my brain causing me to doubt myself. Another tear fell down my face.

Sunstreaker walked in and pulled me into his lap. He softly began to kiss my neck. I became weak against him. He pushed my onto the bed. His hands running down my sides. He slowly removed my pants and panties. I ran my hands along his six pack. I he slowly push three fingers inside me, getting me all wet and ready for him.

"Don't think about what others think of you. You are beautiful." He whispered into my ear.

I gasped as his fingers brushed against a weak point. He noticed and began to rub against that spot more. I released on his fingers. He licked his hand clean of my juices. He crawled on top of me and positioned himself. He slowly pushed in going at a slow pace.

"Do you feel that." He asked.

I nodded.

"Let me take care of you. Let me love you." He whispered.

He kept his slow steady pace. He hit a deep point inside me making me moan in delight. He grunted as my walls constricted around him. I grabbed onto his bicep and closed my eyes.

"Look at me Sinister." He said.

I looked into his icy blue eyes which changed into a deep ocean blue. I could see the love and pain reflecting from his eyes as well as a hint of lust. He pressed his lips against mine. Kissing me slowly and gently. His arm went around my waist and pulled me closer to him so he can go deeper inside me. His cock kept brushing against my weak point. I felt a knot build up in my stomach.

"Sunny I'm gonna-" I moaned.

"I know me too. Cum with me baby." He groaned.

He began to go hard and rough bringing me to me release real quick. With one last hard thrust he came inside me triggering my own release.

"Sunstreaker!" I moaned loudly.

"Fuck, Sinister!" He groaned.

We came down from our high and he rolled off me. I panted trying to catch my breath. Sunstreaker wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest. He began to whisper sweet nothings into my ear.

"You are so beautiful don't you ever tell yourself otherwise baby." He said.

"I love you Sinister." He purred.

"I love you too Sunstreaker." I smiled.

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